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A member registered Apr 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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Trust me I know. I was also "but if I just had more time!", lol.

Plays MUCH better on controller. Movement was solid, and overal environments looked good. This seems like the seed of what could be a fun game!

I do like the game, really does feel just like a DOS emulation. Would have been nice to see some of the chosen changes included in the "program printout". Very creative though.

You have to travel to the top of the screen and that will advance you to the next stage. I had intended to put a simple text arrow at the top and bottom of each stage but I ran out of time.

As difficult as it is to jump from ship to ship, this is a really fun game. The professors plastered on the sails still makes me laugh. You also put a crazy amount of time and effort in, great job!

Really cute artwork, only suggestion I have is to increase the counter length as it maxes at 9999 really quickly. Overall though, great clicker game!

Reminds me of the muds, text based rpgs, of yester year, but I guess I did things in the wrong order because I can't complete. Found only 2 flies, so the cat won't talk to me, and I can't get any more dialog from anyone or any new options after giving the blanket to Margaret. Overall though, I like it. Good job.

Overall, really like this game! Controls well, but did have to restart a few times to get all the controls fully figured out, but looks good and plays well. Great job!

Going to have to try this game again later, the mouse sensivity is sadly so high I can't really do anything without doing full 180 degree turns with just the slightest movement of the mouse. 

Note on the bugs: That actually wasn't a bug, but a feature. That may not have been made clear enough on the buy menu. There is a + and - next to each buy option that in hindsight is not clear enough. The left increases damage and radius, the right upgrade decreases the radius so there is less chance to kill yourself.

Incredibly fun game, spent like 20 minutes playing it.

Team was just me (Daniel Bowen)

Very fun game

Pretty fun and funny, damn those Karens!

bullet hells are always a lot of fun

For a first time stab at a game, really fun and playable. Wasn't until second time through that the invisible spiders showed up. They get terrifyingly fast, lol.

It really is the Dark Souls of the game jam. Really fun game!

Agreed, poor leaf was abused.

Overall fun game!

Simple and great, only wish there was a timer or something to see how long you could keep jumping.

Had a lot of fun, but the ball smash failed to launch for me, but overall loved it. Using the prof's faces was hilarious.

Pretty fun little platformer, couldn't figure out how to fire left though, but school children are toxic to me too, I can relate to the mc.

Couldn't win, but controls really well and like the sound effects. Instructions on screen were really helpful too.

Couldn't win, but controls really well and like the sound effects. Instructions on screen were really helpful too.

Wasn't sure if I could attack, but it controls well. Couldn't run very far myself, lol.

Really pretty game, but couldn't figure out what I was doing :/

Post jam physics update as well as levels added is my plan