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Karioka Works

A member registered Nov 14, 2019 · View creator page →

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In the Settings Menu, you can find under the Graphics tab the "Toggle Fullscreen" option. Simply mark the Heart and it should immediately resize the screen.

Have fun! :3

Yes! There is a cheat command that grants you 99 love with every character, and basically infinite money.

Press Shift + F12 in any map besides the Bedroom.

Hope you enjoy your play! :3

Thank you for playing!

We want to keep consistently launch new versions to always keep the game fresh and growing with content.

Hope you enjoy our future versions aswell! <3

Thank you for your interest! Hope you have fun playing the game! :D

We try to be as transparent as possible about the development in our Discord, Twitter and Patreon page, so please hit us up on any of our social media regarding anything Kink High related.

Your feedback is highly appreciated! Stay kinky, friend!

It wasnt clear in your message if you did unzip the whole .rar file. You *need* to unzip everything into a folder. Your game's folder should look like this.

Thanks! The perfect amount of "grindness" is a tough spot to get, so feedback like this is highly appreciated!

(1 edit)

Maybe the download got corrupted? Try download it again to see if it's still broken :3

May I ask you if you unziped the whole .rar file? You need to extract the whole folder to properly play.