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A member registered Feb 14, 2019

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Hello there !

This looks like a fun project and I must admit I'm a bit curious to see what someone can do with RPG Maker.  I enjoy the whole Cyberpunk genre and all the themes that it can bring in terms of writing. I have some ideas, both for a very serious story or maybe a little lighter one, depending on your preferences.

If you want to talk about it (and see if I am a good fit, which is the most vital thing imo haha) feel free to contact me here or on discord (Karu#9859) !

Hello there ~

This seems to be a quite exciting project, at least it piqued my interest being a fan of RPG and Grim Dark.

I don't know if you still need people in the team, but I would be really interested to participate ! I'm a bit of a jack-of-all-trades, whether it's game design, writing or even a bit of 2D art (but don't get your hopes up, I'm not a pro artist haha).

So if there's still some room left, I'm up for following you in this adventure. You can contact me on discord at Karu#9859 (I prefer to have a green light in pm rather than coming directly on your discord without a formal invitation haha).