Thank you for commenting!
Oh no I though I had them put them in places you could still run, good to know thank you!
I'll have to fix that in a hotpatch asap.
Yeah it's very much incomplete I intend to make it look more polished.
Hiya, thanks for taking the time to comment!
You're right, I absolutely agree that in its current state, it's meh at best. Defintely got overly ambitious for the time I had and to compensate quality/polishing I instead just tried to fill the rooms.
The jar room was intended to be there, I may have put a few too many haha. To be like 'Ah man I got through these quite quickly I'm flying, ohh nooo'
The monster floor wasn't though, that's supposed to be regular ones like the others, but I used it as a filler due to time running out and didn't just want it empty. There's also 1 bug I at least know of I need to fix in a hotpatch too.
You know I didn't even think about invisible walls I'm a fool xD
There was one small thing at the top but nothing special, that was the win area but the jar room was the last main
Appreciate you taking the time to respond c: