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A member registered Sep 24, 2023

Recent community posts

No viruses, the gore was removed with friendly photos.

(1 edit)

Hey, redX!

I am here, as a cso community member, to report some bugs i found during gameplay.

When you discover madison's corrupted photo in the science teacher's laptop, at the end when the janitor is coming and you are going out of that class, the leaving animations are not working but they're written in the dialog text, like actor 1:"leave"

Then, in the tasks section, it says:

"mrs. carmen" - "attend the science class"

that is the I.T class, just the wrong text.

I finished this update in like 15 minutes, im sad it took months just for this little content, but i can imagine the animations and all the drawings took time.

mia complete story i wanna reach fucking the shit out of her since she teased lots of times

reaching from the hate to not let go of my cock on that ho would make a great storyline

yo i think you mispelled mid september with december