Thank you! The game is complete in terms of narrative and mechanics, it's just taking some time to finalise the character art. But it'll definitely get finished - the core of the game already is!
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I loved this a lot! But in the post-game endless mode, I got stuck trying to combine dusk dendron and brimstone to make the next plant - I always get an empty sacrifice result. I wondered if the dusk dendron was inactive unless I harvested it after dusk, but I could never get that to work, since by the time it's dusk, it's too dark to see to harvest it! Don't know what I should do. :(
Yeah, ok, these .pal files have a totally different structure. I can see the hex vales in your files, the .pal files from elsewhere are just garbled in a text editor, the file format must be really different.
EDIT: your files are JASC .pal, which PSP uses, and my files are Microsoft .pal, which Photoshop uses, and are totally different.
Most of the files I find online are MS .pal, it seems like not much except PSP uses JASC pal?
Trying to see if they can be converted.