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A member registered Mar 05, 2023 · View creator page →

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I don’t know what engine you’re talking about so I’m going to presume you mean pygame. I personally do not use pygame but I hope this tutorial will help you!

> Tutorial

You’re welcome! :)

Only 2 hours now 🎉

As long as it can be played on web, you can use that engine. You can submit a Windows build but that’s only recommended if the web build is unplayable/unavailable for some reason but it will impact your ratings since not everyone will be able to play it.

TLDR: Yes, you can.

(1 edit)

No, since games with Roblox Studio are stuck on Roblox, only playable by going to[id] and downloading the Roblox client, then only then, can you play it. It can’t be exported and published to itch.

(If you are looking for a no-code engine/engine with templates, I recommend GDevelop).
