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A member registered Oct 29, 2021

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I'm excited to learn if Kaori is a good cop or a baaaad cop. Keep up the good work Kal.

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the cannons are also bs, fire the moment they get on the field and are tanky af, and one shot my goblin mages, I think either of them would be fine if we could yknow swat the projectiles out of the air with our telekenesis I actively should avoid cooking those fish anyway...have alot less love for the Cajun fish now.

Minor nitpick, as much as I love using the Cajun fish, all the fish you cook look like the exact same cooked meat from ark png texture and it makes it impossible to tell if you've cooked something important like a heartfish or goldfish. I would prefer if those in particular even as meat png had glowy outlines or something.

the announcement unfortunately covers what's happening with the steam version

beat it on nightmare

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Ah so it is coded to make it unlikely by design, I can definitely understand not wanting to have the player easily do it, other preds in two pred mode is hella risky to start with and not really a win since there's still gonna be one pred, she's just gonna be a fatter pred. I guess this is just an edge case considering two random preds is not the standard game so you've designed it with a player pred in mind? I appreciate the info I'm guessing the 25% chance only to eat and only while not stunned/chasing is something you have in advance for when you make larger preds playable? None of the current playable student pred have the stomach capacity to fit more than tulpy so it didn't occur to me that you'd go out of your way to add extra checks to prevent larger preds from being eaten.

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fuck yes I finally got a purple apple to spawn and satie regurged me near enough to bella, satie do be edible as an apex pred by bella at least. edit: reaaal shame satie must've regurged the crazy apple into bella cause she started making those weird movement shortly after I made this messsage and spat out satie :/ (without the purple apple not getting the results tho....yeah got satie to regurgitate me in front of bella once again, she just goes around her to eat me while satie is  recovering from regurging me, idk if this has some kind of effect on satie's collision but yeah her hands on her knees animation seems to not let her be eaten during it maybe?)

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Really? okay I clearly need to do more testing, Why is Ligeska unable to eat Bella since she should have in theory enough stomach capacity to fit at least 7 students? is ligeska's detection of the player take priority over other preds or somethin, she's refuses to eat any other predators in all my testing in two random pred mode besides tulpy. (I just saw ligeska slither AROUND Bella to get to me after i got regurgitated so I'm assuming you've coded her to reject Bella at least, more testing i got a green apple and satie spat me out in full view of ligeska, while satie has her hands on her knees I crouch behind her to make sure ligeska can't touch me without touching Satie, she gupled me through a reeling Satie, ANOTHER TIME SHE PHYSICALLY PUSHED SATIE'S MODEL OUT OF THE WAY THEN GULPED ME. Ligeska's hit detection is so weird)

I mean beating everyone unlocks two random preds mode, which has more students in it to feed to your fav pred if you enjoy the weight gain visuals.

maybe not exactly a bug I also learned the hard way that the larger preds refuse to eat each other in two random pred mode, tulpy is the only one that I can get them to eat, the buggy part is that all the others eat me without actually touching me while predator between us is reeling from having just regurgitated me the player, I even got Ligeska to spit me out in front of Bella which is suuper rare but even though there's no way bella could touch me with the massive snake in the way it seems to ignore the distance between us.

this man yearns for the Gyaru Gyatt

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while apples are fantastic in all their forms against Bella even crazy apples don't seem to have their old effect on the full release preds like Satie and Ligeska, from what I recall crazy apples while rare were suppose to guarantee regurgiation but I've gotten eaten from Satie and Ligeska with one and they just finish the job most of the time, they vibrate sometimes and so you do you as a student pred and you eat the crazy apple(I am clueless what a crazy apple would or should be doing for a student pred) but right now I have no idea if they're working properly against Tulpy, Satie and Ligeska.

new update lets goooo, you didn't need to add more students to two random pred mode and you didn't mention it anywhere but I appreciate the opportunity to bait bella into eating tulpy then see how much weight predator bella gains eating all the other students

idk what your code looks like and it may never have been setup to enable this kind of concept, have you ever player driver: san francisco? one of the main features in that game is that you can basically possess any other driver on the road in that game effectively letting you continue a pursuit of a moving objective even if you fuck up/crash too hard to recover the chase, so anyway with that concept across it got me to thinking if I made a vore game anything like this one I'd make a mode that let you continue on after you get digested, instead of ending the round, you instead take control of a different student(like you're a spirit taking possesion of a different persons body) and you can keep doing this until there are no prey left to take control of.  I get the reasons you wouldn't do it, as it wouldn't make sense that preds are ignoring any student to begin with but still a concept I'd want you to rattle around in your own head perhaps for a future project if nothing else.

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are you saying it's possible for preds other than tulpy to be eaten in specific conditions? or only Tulpy stunlocked is the only special condition?

not a requirement i've definitely seen student ligeska eat student satie while i hadn't unlocked satie I think this was while I was a student wondering if they would eat me only for ligeska to snarf up the gyaru, if no standard students and apples are available other smaller preds are on the menu....but now the numbers are available...a student bella in theory can eat ligeska but ironically ligeska can't eat bella

gonna confuse alot of people on steam when they look for the co-op Hazelight Studios game also called A Way Out

ty for the numbers wow Tuply has more belly capacity than Satie did not expect that.

yeah why not, other people could use the reference and maybe I'm wrong about student bella. Really the bug isn't occuring on your end? hmmm hard to tell you what's happening without debug, only seems to be at the start of matches...but idk if this will help but I got digested by student Ligeska playing as Satie and my next round said you are dead at the very start of the round as satie so maybe something isn't being cleared from the previous round.

can confirm this bug is repeatable for me, (atm I'm trying to see if student preds can eat the player if i just hang out in front of them while their tummies are making the rumblies, yes to all for playing student, no to all playing bella, so testing satie is ANNOYING when this bug happens so much, i've also notice in addition to the stuff above there's no stomach% when this bug occurs, no numbers there at all ) 

your hunger im guessing probably only needs to be under 16% but everytime I've done it I've been at 0% I guess, I get regurgitated by her and while she's reeling from it you have an opportunity to eat her, unless it was stealth nerfed in the last patch. On normal mode its also possible to eat her while she has a normal sized student in her if you're can't even try eating her if she's pursuing anyone though.

this sorta happens anyway when the final bell goes off, but having an inbuilt nightmare mode turn on once dead would be a fun way to end a round while the player is just watching post digestion

windows key + shift + left/right arrow will shift an application to a different screen most of the time, including this one.

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might be part of the high body volume bella gets for being slower, just got Satie myself and I guess I've never seen her eat more than 2 as a pred so maybe her lower capacity is true as a student as well. Edit: yeh Satie can't seem to  eat the fairy, must be a bella exclusive thing.

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yup seems to be only the fairy though, instead of relying on rng for a key you rely on rng that she regurgitates you while you are also hungry. Not such an obvious way to win but fun secret win condition. Keep in mind if you're hungry enough you can eat her while she has a student currently in her but I've only gotten that on normal mode since the others are long digested by the time bella gets hungry on nightmare mode.

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that's not what I meant, I'm not accusing you of being a liar I'm saying I ate her to get the victory, I'm saying you probably didn't win in the same fashion. lemme rephase it : "you probably didn't do this, but I also won against Tulpy on nightmare by playing as Bella and eating her after she regurgitated me. " hopefully that clears up the wording, and since you asked for the proof that I have cleared nightmare, no i haven't beaten nightmare mode by finding the exit key and leaving, only by eatin her have i cleared it.

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you probably didn't do this....I also won against Tulpy on playing as Bella and when she regurgitated me I was on 0% fullness,,,Bella can eat her if she's incapacitated it seems.

I get its her thing.....but I wanna see Satie witha big belly....can the hammer space thing please be a toggle? it also lowkey makes her harder since you don't know at a glance if she has anybody inside her currently, but personally its more that I like to see the big squirmy bellies and while I get Bella already does that I would love to see Satie with a massive prey filled belly too.

Its rng sadly, although I am almost certain that it will always be behind a locked door, Bella on nightmare was rough with bad rng.

its a bit rng you'll learn the map little by little until you know where they all spawn outside of rooms, one piece of advice i guerss would be to drop any purple keys you find outside rooms if you can't take them with you, same for apples gives you a reference that you have searched that room and have no need to re scan it. Obviously don't leave the room if you hear a pred very close. (disclaimer: this advice doesn't apply at all in nightmare mode since key dropping makes noise and preds will b line to any dropped item location if they're close enough to hear it)

you are always the main preds target, you can however body block using another student, you basically have to be physically touching them and positioning them between you and the pred to avoid getting eaten, if you successfully used the other student to bodyblock her from eating you you'll ahve a small window to run away while she ingests them, if she spots you before the other student inside her is digested she will move alot slower giving you an opportunity to break line of sight and hide(crouch behind stuff if you can) or alrenatively bait her into eating another student. Alternatively and this makes bella by far the easiest pred to deal with, hold an apple, she is the only pred that will not eat you if you are holding an apple she will instead consume the apple and any keys you happen to be holding.

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I did a little experiment now that I unlocked the two random pred fairy and bella....fairy spat me out in front of bella...while fairy was reeling from the regurg i wondered to myself...can I bodyblock with another predator? moments later fairy pred is swallowed by bella, dayum okay preds eat other preds. REALLY hard to pull off but that's awesome. Probably woulda made that run 50% easier if i hadn't gotten cocky and tried to lure her into as many students as possible, she ate me after eating the other fairy pred and one student, rode along until i could cofirm the fairy got digested, student escaped but bella released 2 sets of bones, one definitely the fairy pred's. edit: no  matter how hard I try I can't manage to replicate this with other preds, I'm assuming preds can only eat other preds if the prey has their belly empty and i got SUUUPER lucky when she regurgitated me in front of the other pred so no idea if I can possibly get the lamia to eat one of the other larger girls since they almost never regurg and its really unlikely it will happen in front of the lamia(I say one of the other larger girls but I've never had a match with two random pred where Ligeska has spawned with Bella, always seems to be Satie every time) 

congratulations on release, been looking forward to this.

have you considered making a forum post on the weight gaming or Eka's portal game section to link here, if you want more people who are definitely into vore to find it that is.

noting atm, but it will do something in later updates

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hmmmm did you hit the 4th bell? she shouldn't be after other students for any other reason, other than a breif period when she gets a lil too hungry, 4th bell is game over time you can't pick up anything while she's running, also once the 4th bell goes off she will remain in that state until her belly is full(yes it does mean she will gobble up as many students as she can fit too even when you are already inside)

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if she spots you run up to one of the others, make sure they are blocking all line of sight you have to her(position them to bodyblock between you and Bella) she has a little grace period after each time she swallows something before she will begin to hunt you again, when her belly has 2 others students she will be unable to fit you if you have any items on you, slightly risky since you'll need to drop any apples to get her to 3(of course at this point she's slow enough to outrun and she wouldn't catch you unless you stop for some reason like you will be doing if you're sacrificing other students to her) if her stomach contains 2 students and any apples, you wouldn't fit in there either so she waddles not trying to hunt you as if she were basically full until something is spat out or until she digests it all.

haha, yeah not really a strong incentive to win atm, book does nothing, more rewarding to stick around to see just how big we can make her, only thing I'd really desire from a nightmare mode currently would be preds just eat almost everything on sight: apples, paper other students with no regard for how hungry they are, would both function as a fitting reward and effetively make the game nightmarish if your goal was ever "winning" (also would have hoped she would be capable of fitting every student, at 6 students be completely immobile...but you the player could still walk into her and be number 7. But sadly the dev had stated a capacity of more than 4 is off the table)

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Patch notes, yes she yoinks apples(also your key) if you have one in hand, means apples are all useful and not just there to occupy tummy space/make her belly slightly less likely to kill you which is barely noticeable if she's lucky,  which was all they did before. While it kinda does trivialise the current game it probably won't be enough once the other preds are added.