It was bit late last night. Yeah i hear you, although, One easy way to go through patreon is by simply masking relationships with variables. They can do nottin in that case.
Anyway just got some time to try reading this.
But as soon as i got out of the bar i got ganged up by this ragazza pazza...(just first impression, heh, not judge of character :-) )
What i'm trying to say is that this shit has some serious weight man!
And if you keep it up , inertia alone can move it wast distances!
I mean it affectionately:)
Amazing job so far! It even made me silently giggle and that is rare!
The way you presented 'apartment' gave me instant flash backs of Nico (Niko Bellic) first time entering Michelle's place. If you know what i mean. :)
Well done.
English is very good!