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A member registered Dec 31, 2022 · View creator page →

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Try deleting the newhorizon folder in "user/AppData/roaming/renpy" then start the game again.

This is only a patch that fixes some bugs and typos as well as some additions of features.

5 to 7 hrs depending on your read speed.

I have alternative links in my Patreon page. You can go there and see which one works for you

Then just delete the old one(0.1.5) and keep only 0.2. no need to "update the game", whatever you meant by that. Or you might wanna trying deleting the save data in user/AppData/roaming/renpy folders and see if that helps. Remember, the old saves from 0.1.5 are not compatible.

Are you playing on android?

I cannot spoil here. However, if you want, you can join my Discord server, where you will find the answers there.

Harem will be a thing ofc. However, I might make individual endings for more prominent girls as well. If I have time eventually.

Thanks playing the game, I'm glad you liked it~

Thanks for plying the game! I'm glad you enjoyed it~

Did you download the game yesterday? or today?

Ara Ara~ Welcome to New Horizon~

Thanks or playing~

Replay Gallery is already in the 0.2 update now~

There will not be NTR content in the game~

Noooooo, Don't do that to your neighbor!
All jokes aside, I'm working very hard on it, I barely sleep 4hrs everyday lately🫠
I wanna let you guys play it soon as well, but everything takes time especially when you have a full time job and other things to deal with every day. So just wait for a little longer please, It's almost ready :)

90% :)

By your logic, if you squint and play any HS avn, then all characters are basically the same. Same thing with Daz3D avns. So open your eyes when playing the game :)

Thanks for the praise <3 They are definitely the gold standards for avns. Hope I can reach their level someday.

Thanks for the nice words. I'm always working on it so don't worry <3

Thanks for playing the game~ 0.2 will drop soon.

Thank you very much! I've added you on Discord. Any feedback will be immensely helpful<3

Thanks muchuan <3 Trust me, the plot in 0.2 will get even better! I've added more depth into the world setting and character setting~ I'm hoping to get it ready in a month or a little more, gotta stock up some more energy drinks XD

Wow, I'm honored that you would compared my game to that of Caribdis. He is an inspiration for us all! I'm working hard on the next update, so please look forward to it <3


太抬舉我啦XD 很開心你能喜歡本遊戲劇情,請好好期待0.2!

感謝你的回饋,我會嘗試改善~ 請好好期待0.2推出!

Thanks for the feedback, I will take into consideration with 0.2. Some of the stuff in older version are being adjusted and remade currently, so I will improve them as much as I possibly can :)

You will know as the story progresses :)

Tokyo Nite by Anna Takeuchi <3

Sure dude, there are tons of games out there for you to play. This is only a free little project made by a busy man after all🤷‍♂️



Thanks mate <3


I'll do my best, thanks for playing the game!

It will only get better from here!


Oh, you'll see a lot of Ayase in the next update~