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A member registered Jul 31, 2023 · View creator page →

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hi! i am wondribg if the devs will allow individual export template download.i.e, insted of downloasing a gigabyte worth of templated just download 1 that the user constantly uses and have the ability to just locate to that file in editor setting so that the use wont need to reput the location every time when needing to export.


done! now you can die to saw-kun.

v0.5 update

Added Some update!


i already written down what features i will add, it is a small game so the gameplay might not last long.

thank you fpr early feed back :)

also how did you get in the dead game space?


Gud Game. 👍

Hey! Colo , click on the shared array buffer button on the edit game page.

But why tho?


uh........., soryy for the flashbang.


it's because I did not anticipate players to lust leave the platform... , I had walls swt up but I removed them and for got to add again..

the game updated

the game updated

(1 edit)

need to fix the window stretch mode.

 also , why does the music says "audio junk"?

sooo, instead of adding an extra button, you decided to change the previous button to switch to menu?


The first run.

It completely freezes the game,. Must add a disclaimer about this.

its 1 bit nice

(1 edit)

the boss also gets healed when capybara is near.
that makes sense. and the boss follows capybara

the game i hard, Is there a way to go to the menu after the characters die

the gam lags on full screen

there is supposed to be an H after SAMSARA


this is a 2d engine also used for 3d purposes
i guess you were right about being brainded at the moment.

can you upload using compatibility 

where sponge part?

the goal is to have fun
the scoring is done when you left click on the tooth guy.

no web version...