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A member registered Jul 21, 2021

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I basically have two SSDs. One for Windows, one for my Games. Two HDDs for things that do not require SSDs, like my Hentai Collection and then one for backup, if i am shifting to a new SSD, for example. So that i can transfer files those files over and not lose anything. Gaming SSD are 1.80 TB, other one 930 GB. Both HDDs are 1.80 TB. I am intending in the future to switch to SSD for my Hentai Collection, so that SOME H-Games run smoother.

If you want to ask me for any Games you are interested, go ahead. I have played a whole lotta games during my lifetime. I am quite confident when it comes to Games and knowing if they are good or not. But i will not deny my bias towards certain titles and genres. Strong love towards old-school games and RTS games and classic Shooters, not modern day CoD. Like old Quake, Wolfenstein and Doom and etc.

About classic Shooters. Look up The Citadel by doekuramori. Beyond Citadel is the Sequel to The Citadel, which is fairly recent. You play as an attractive anime babe against all sorts of enemies.

There is also Cavalry Girls. Female Mecha Pilots in a dystopian setting, against hordes of invading enemies, and hardcore boss fights.

Godsworn is also one i would immediately recommend. A RTS game. Made by two lads. You play as two Factions, Baltic Crusaders and "Slavic?" Gods, with different Heroes who has a bit different Tech Trees and Units to some degree, and you can use Hero Abilities and Global Abilities, that you unlock as they level. Your Shrine must be protected at all cost, losing it, means complete defeat.

There are many other titles. But these three are honestly so damn good, that i have to shill a bit for them here. Look them up, if you will. See if they fit your interests.

Ramble over! I talk too much, i feel. Oh well. Thanks for your reply! Take care!

Alright! Well, it is the one Map i repeat, it was that good.

Well. I liked this so much. That i wanted to shove some money your way, both cause i wanted this to continue and i rarely have something i like this much. If i find something i truly like, then i kind of want to give money to both prove the point and in hope the Creator can continue to make gems!

First things first, though. Cabinet. Got my Motherboard, a ROG Maximus Z90 Dark Hero. Cabinet will be the Corsair 9000D Airflow. After that, smaller and less costy parts. Like Coolers, Memory Cards and bigger SSD, since my 2TB is still not enough. Stuff is costy, and i have had need of waiting 2-3 months for the Motherboard and Cabinet to have enough coin. The rest should be fairly easy to afford afterwards, without having to worry about ending in Red Zone on my Bank Account. And yes, i always pay my Rent and such first, before i use the money on anything else. Lesson learned from the past...

BnSN honestly was so filled, it would take 60-90 minutes for me to even get in with my Character. I did not bother wasting precious time, and played something else. Few demos, like AI Limit. I liked Dolls Nest, Mech Havoc and Metal Bringer the most. Dolls Nest was more like Dark Souls, but Armored Core-style with Mecha Musume. Metal Bringer was adorable and really, really fun! Mech Havoc was more special and sweaty or demanded patience, depending on your Loadout.

I will stop rambling there. Thanks for the reply! Take care!

Well. I for one, keep replaying Sinking Cavern. It honestly was such a great map with "Ominous" sounds, hehe. Unfortunately, you could not see the other two girls. Imagining them quite cumflated, since the Dickgirl was probably breeding them for quite a while.

I still think the Dickgirl should be a named Character, being only one of in the game and so on. Would make her a Unique Character. I do not have to repeat myself, but you know what i mean. Just what i think.

Oh. And, is it possible to give you more money than what the game costs, and purchase it again, above the initial cost? I would like to give 100 Euro/Dollar in april, so i plan at least. Since i really, really enjoy this particular H-Game! Would like to already, but i am upgrading my PC, so i need enough for my Cabinet. Never tried to purchase anything again and above the asking price, but i think it is possible?

Take care! Back to some more Salvor DEEP enjoyment and then try that Blade and Soul Neo.

By the way. I hope you pay attention to the F95 thread for Salvor DEEP, even if only sometimes. There can be some good feedback or encouraging compliments there.

Take care!

Yay! Came here as fast as my Mobilephone told me of an update.

May i be as bold and perhaps a bit rude to say this:

I believe you should have Salvor DEEP embrace the oblivious MMC (Male Main Character) with the NTR approach. Considering you have gone the Kind-of-NTR direction already. As i noticed people, especially your Discord, being conflicted with each other and the direction of Situational/Taste (i am using DLSite filter terminology) NTR content. Been trying to pay attention on your Discord Server and the Salvor-DEEP channel, but man, they talk A LOT, sometimes about the weird water creature on a fairly long basis.

Yes. I know it is not ACTUALLY NTR. You are not truly in a relationship with Salvor Babe, but you still date her at some point. Yes, i know you use Echo Graph to see what is happening, but how i think of it, based on MMCs reactions, does not see or barely see something but no idea what, on the Echo Graph. Unless i am missing something here or confusing myself...

It is not healthy when your Customers and Fans become conflicted with your Content, and they start to do their whole "Rabble" thing over not clearly defined Situation/Taste direction.

Please do not take this poorly. I am only a bit worried with how bothered they are by this and have been talking also on F95 Thread of this game. Not that F95 is something as trustworthy as your own Discord where most likely actual paying customers are on. But even so...

Take care!

It is fine! At least i got a reply!

Thank you for this information. Things may get very interesting, later on, then. To me, it just makes sense, considering the Dickgirl is a Solo-Salvor but kind of more like a Mercenary that always gets the job done, but also has her own agenda and prefers to live without any attachments, besides her Submarine and enjoy her life in the Depths with other Female "Salvors", hehe.

Additionally. I had a thought that the Dickgirl has her own Haven, if she is gonna be a Permanent actual Character. The place where everything she gathers of interest, artifacts and etc is where it is placed and stored. Her own Home, basically. But also a place where the cheating Females can come to get banged. No one else knows of the place and the information is only shared with the females desiring a proper dicking. Everyone has their own home, me thinks. Just some thoughts.

I notice that a lot of people in the Discord wants their own fetishes and stuff in the game. Personally, i just want what you are making, not what others want. I am not here for them. I am here for Delusria's Salvor DEEP.

Hopefully, you are not finished with the game after 1.0. I see so much joy and potential in this one. I do not mean to develop it forever. But perhaps like 8-10 massive updates, perhaps then i am satisfied. Enjoying Salvor DEEP far too much. Consider me greedy, when it comes to things i enjoy and favoritise.

Think i will stop there. Thank you for the reply! Take care!

I honestly do not mind the price increase, if Salvor DEEP gets at least two big updates, with lots of content. I may be willing to shuffle more money at you if the content is expanded a lot further.

Also. I personally do not mind the NTR Content, but that might be me. I think it fits with the system you got right now. Hence, my thoughts on the Dickgirl you find at Sinking Cave, that i wrote previously about.

I very much enjoy Salvor DEEP currently! This game is quite unique and refreshing! There really is not many H-Titles i fancy at all. Those happens to be extremely rare to me, and this game hits my Favorite list. One other example being Devolution that is one of favorites.

Thanks for this game, once again! Take care!

Apparently. There is some weirdos in the Discord Server for Delusria, does some gifs or pictures that says "The Endless". The creature is called something Ana-something something. I cannot recall.

It is some sort of small water creature, that has two weird tentacles as hands to interact with stuff and look kinda like a very evolved trillobite, almost.

That is all i know of it. I did not bother to research it. Hope that answers your question, even if limited.

Take care!


These are just some thoughts and ideas. Feel free to disagree, ignore, agree or whatever. Really like this Game so far! Hopefully, there will be so much more to come!!!


I noticed that the Dickgirl in the Sinking Cave is fairly well detailed, and looks like a possible recurring Character. We did not see her face. but i thought it was done on purpose to preview her, least that is how i think.

It would be pretty great if the Dickgirl was a potential Recruitable and acted as a 3-man Character. Strong, aggressive and extremely virile. A reliable Ally but a bully, considering her demeanor in the Sinking Cave. And having infinite stamina, as she keeps banging the girls and Salvor Babe with very short pauses sometimes.

Perhaps like her story being that the Dickgirl is a very well known and reliable Solo-Salvor. No one knows anything about her, other than she helps others and guides them, especially females. No one but only other females knows she is a Dickgirl, as she seems to have some enjoyment of oblivious guys thinking she is just another girl, a pretty toned one too. The Dickgirl has strong preference towards banging girls already in a Relationship. Whether it is Fiances, Girlfriends or Wives. And bloating her victims and knocking them up a lot. This directly connecting to the "NTR Content" path entirely.

Perhaps even becoming bigger, more virile as she and Salvor Babe come across mysterious plants that can only be found in Darkened Maps and somewhat secretly put in a deep water area, that you have to get very close to, in order to find the entrance to the Secret Area.

The Girls that come across Dickgirl shows no resistance and willingly submits to her.

The Dickgirl once recruited to help you out. Will be groping, harassing and banging your Salvor Babe. Perhaps even Tish, once you get close enough to Tish, and after she is introduced to your Dickgirl companion. Additionally, the Dickgirl will be banging other girls too, whenever given the chance.

Also. I think we should have a name for Salvor Babe and of course, the Dickgirl, if you would ever have her as a Permanent Character in the game. I find it strange to call Salvor Babe just "Her", especially after you date her 2-3 times, and she tells you her name and asks you to call her by that, closing your relationship with her. Considering what Tish tells you, that Salvors and their Bosses can have Relationships and Families.

Ok. I believe i am done. Thanks for this game! Looking forward to more, once again! Take care!

Since F95 Thread for this game can get swamped, i would like to give my thoughts and suggestions here, if you do not mind, @prostochel2002.

I do not want this to turn into another Corruption nonsense, or as i call it, "Excuse to NTR Genre". Just make the girls naturally just cheat, without all the Corruption part. And do not make it avoidable. Just make it unavoidable, a part of the whole experience, but hidden/secret from the MP (Male Protagonist). Being oblivious, too trusting and what have you.


Mentor's Identity/Gender: Whether you want to give us the choice or what you want. Regarding Mentor's identity. Like Mentor knows Mystic Magic, but also several other Jobs. Mentor is obviously very big in all the areas and powerful. Ugly Bastard fatso who is a Mystic Mage, Elementalist and Dark Magician (form of banned Mage, except Mentor was allowed, due to the sheer Fame) or go the extremely rare case of a towering Dickgirl instead, being muscular due to being a Mystic Warrior, Sage and Demonoligist. Just a few ideas.

All the Characters in your party will support you, including the Mentor. The Mentor is both your and your girlfriends Mentor, but an asshole. Have not taught you useless stuff, however. They will support you much less when they are doing their "Activities", but in order to keep the MP from finding out, helps the MP.

The Content is centered around the Mentor, and your GF, and perhaps some Side-Character Girls. Or any Female Characters who your MP have a very close relationship with.

You have a Level-Up System and Skill System. MP start off like level 10 already, thanks to the Mentor teaching MP, and unique Skills tailored to MP and GF that the Mentor taught you. Lvl 10 in this world is considered pretty high, not that it is the highest, but based on average Levels, final being lvl 100. Which is your goal.

Equipment worsens after each Delve, success or failure. Another goal is to find Equipment that does not need to be repaired, sold or abandoned. Forcing you to deal with the fact Delves corrodes your Equipment. With the exception of Non-Metal objects. Taking and using Equipment not made of Metal works, but will never replace or work better than Metal-based Equipment. In case you ever run out of money or other reasons why you cannot use Metal Equipment, falling to Wood or something else, is a good backup plan. Something the Mentor also taught the pair.

The Use of Torches should be carefully used. Planning is essential. If you, the MP, notices the Room looking suspicious in any manner, using the Torch can reveal perhaps a Chest or something else. There are Risks and there can be Rewards. You see much less without it, but you can make out shapes in the fog in the Delve you move in. Your Characters never act outside of their Group, so they do not lose sight and contact with each others. Exactly the reason why no one should ever separate from relatively close proximity to each other. At least bare minimum within whisper distance. Not that it helps to hear behind you when you are the frontline Character...

These are some immediate suggestions and ideas. Let me know what you think. Take care!

Tag this with NTR and/or Netorare. I had no idea this had such content, fore i looked up the description.

A lot of Games and things these days do not use correct Tags. As a consequence, they are found by luck and their content may just confuse people, when accurate Tags is lacking.

I will look this up again once it has at least one major update.

Take care and good luck with your Project here.

(2 edits)

It doesn't seem like i can. I can keep trying. Pretty sure it is in "Fullscreen" mode.

EDIT: Okay. Clicking on the edges of the window, lets me change it's size by dragging it around, that in the end, allowed me to fix this issue. I don't remember this happening in the previous version. Strange.

Thanks! Perhaps default the Program to not open as a fake "Fullscreen", and going outside the Monitor range. Make it open first as a small Window, so you can drag it around as you please, until you put in Resolutions and such.

Take care.

(1 edit)

Bottom part of the Program Window (playing Windows version) goes outside of my Monitor, so i cannot make any choices and such.

Playing V 0.14: Please check if this is a bug.

Oh. Okay. Wow. That was very easy, once i input that Code.

Thank you!

I open the "Options" menu. The one where you can fiddle with the Volume. There are two things:

The Admin Tools box, which you can write something in. Then the Admin Tools button to it's Right.

So i am not sure what you mean by "Admin Panel". There are no such thing that i see, nor any such "Top Thing there".

I hope i'm not the only one. Or this must be a special case of an issue i am getting...that would suck. Murphy's law.

Well. I have been messing with things, and there's no button that adds money. That's news to me.

So how many Admin Commands are there, and their exact lines? Figuring this stuff is a nightmare. It'd be a bit simpler to just have a Money Admin Command.

Not sure how this Admin Tools works. But i did the instructions to try and access it. Nothing.

Have no reason to have any hard feelings or bad blood with you, for now. Unless it is provoked...which would take a lot of effort or bad intentions.

Sure. Take your time. It is your project, as such, your responsibility and decisions. As long as you love/like what you are doing/creating, then that is what is most important. Passion, that is. Thank you for the reply.

Take care.

(1 edit)

Very well. If you say so. I have met far too many people on this damn Internet, that number is increasing, who do not really know jack shit about Terminologies and etc. Mistaking one thing for another, misinforming and misleading others.

I'll keep an eye on this. I'll let it take a few big updates fore i feel like i can truly dig in and see if i am interested enough to dip a few coins in.

CobraPL on F95 has a thread that explains about these terms and what they do/mean. Feel free to check it or not, is your decision to use this information as you see fit.

I wish you well. Take care.

Edit: Just noticed your edit. I use the "ALL CAPS" when i am trying to sound like raising my voice a bit, like i real life, not in a yelling way, but just a bit to get the attention on particular information or details i want to get across. It has no meaning of upsetting anyone or whatever. Just "Hey, pay attention to this exact detail". If i have helped or informed you in any meaningful way, then i feel like i have personally made a positive effect on you.

Gonna be honest and truthful. It ain't NTR if you letting her do it. That's NTS (Netorase). There are significant differences between the two. One is basically cheating without your consent and other being you want her to cuck you, if we dilute the setting, such as NTR A, B or C and it's special variants.

Other two being NTS, meaning Netorase, which is Willing Cuckoldry, literally. Then the NTI, being Netori, you being the bull.

I suggest you make it clear WHAT forms of NT type this is.

Also. I suggest you stick with ONE form of NT. Considering if you have multiple types, the Customers/Audience will conflict with interests. A few few minority will be acceptable to multiple content types that is difference from each other.

Take care.

Alright. Thanks for the answers!

Don't forget the Balls should be subject to changes too. We are dealing with Expansionist Fetishes/Kinks. If you were gonna add any kind of Cumflation and Pregnancy, the multiplier (or similar) would be affected by those two. The Capacity "Balls", which then could affect Virility (pregnancy chance and multiplier) and Cocksize, which would be Output, meaning how much you release and how many times you shoot.

Just a pointer out. Hopefully, you take these into thoughts and decide how you wanna deal with this.

Remember. This is YOUR Project. What you decide, is ultimately up to you. We are simply giving you ideas, inspiration and questions that only YOU can answer. Make what you want. Consider the possibilities and options, within reasonable limits. Don't get too greedy, ambitious and overconfident.

I wish you the best of luck! I'll keep an eye on your progress.

Peace and take care!

(1 edit)

Just out of curiosity. How far will you take this?

Can your Protagonist grow or be affected by things? Will there be lots of customization to your Character in future?

Will there be cumflation? How much and hard will it be? As it can be sort of part of "Expansion", despite temporary (sometimes short or long)

Does Cruelty mean Rape and/or more/different?

Will there be more Fetishes/Kinks or/and will you expand on the existing ones?

How many Characters will there be, how different will they be and etc?

How many Chapters/content will there be?

Will there be things like Bestiality? Will they even have NTR with them and are they affected also by the Expansions?

How much control do we have over everything, including Characters and Events? Will there be consequences for our decisions, and will there be Hidden/Secret Consequences you won't see or later see?

The NTR Content, for one example. Who's gonna be your Antagonist/Rival? Will it be Secret/Hidden from the Character and Player perspective, or just the Character?

Will there be Futa/Trans? Will they also be part of the NTR experience? Will Giantess affect them too?

If the NTR exists. Will the Antagonist/Rival either grow or be big/hyper?

I believe i tried my best to find as many questions about the "How Far" you'd go. At least for now. If i do come up with more, i'll bombard you again. But interesting. This is a VERY RARE project of it's Fetishes/Kinks someone would approach. Even more so that you'd put NTR in it. That came out of the blue, but a welcoming one. As i have yet to see someone deciding to go with "Hyper" content and such with NTR involved with it. Despite that it has yet to be implemented.

I'll keep an eye on you and what you'll do. For now, i'll wait and make a clear judgement when i have at least experienced everything you have listed/planned in the current/future version till Chapter 1 finish, or at least everything i can find in 4+ hours in, after each update within Chapter 1.

Thanks for this! Peace and take care!

Few underused fetishes for a title like this could be:

Size Differences/Big Monsters are their Genitialia

Impregnation/Pregnancy of varied sizes and maybe Egg Laying/Oviposition

Inflation. Cum, Eggs, liquids and otherwise.

Mutated/Corrupted beasts, insects and creatures? To somewhat horror level and much bigger sizes? I dunno. Just a fresh idea.

I am assuming "Transformations" means Character body sizes, yours or others changes. Such as for "Breeding" purposes?

Just some ideas i thought would maybe fit this. These things would probably take a lot of time. And everything should more or less be consquences for not avoiding...if you didn't want to end up some monsters toy or intentionally did it.

If you are gonna have Game Overs, at least make decent room in between areas for "Bonfires", as to not piss off people from progress too much. Just a fair suggestion.

I can't come up with anything else for now. If i do, i'll let you know. Machines and Forniphilia isn't exactly my thing, but hey, something for someone else, i guess.