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Recent community posts
This Game is really great.
After 6 h of Playtime, I build a Spiral-Staircase around the Huge Tree up to 8 Meters in the Air, But noticed on a Platform its too Easy to Glitch through the Floor in the current State.
Then I abandoned my Tree-House to Start building a Stone House. I got a 2 meter Long wall 80 cm high, with a shelf for my Knife, my Pan and my Food.
then I Build a Firepit in a comfortable Height and put a Platform above for Baking and Heating Iron.
I really was hoping to build a Window out of thin Red Slime, but it was waay to unstable. It already broke, when walking against it. Maybe not literal but it felt like it.
It's really Hard to carry a Lot of little Peaces of Material to the Building, and Sticking everything together does not feel realistic and takes Time to undo.
For Heavy Objects I abused the kombined strength of walking against it and pushing it with the Controllers. From Immersion it nearly felt real, the only downside was that your Controllers need to be outside of the Player Hitbox to combine the Forces. In Real Live you Push with like your shoulder and the Hands are then usually near your Body (like on really Heavy Objects). Also you often Slip the Stone and need to Walk back.
I really enjoy this Game and it's definitely worth checking out.