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A member registered Jul 02, 2020

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Hi the new mobile update won't install is that a bug or something?

thank you so much I thought I will never get back to this amazing story thanks for fixing the issue ^∆^

I was wanting to play this game again after having my phone reformated only to find the android version is gone? I was so excited for the update too ;3;

In the update do you just get stuck in the red woods indefinitely till the update or is there a way back on the main map?

Guys I'm help with the northcrest conspiracy I can't seem to talk about Everett's conversation with the smug guard forgot his name I tried staking out the three days at night am I doing something wrong?

guys Im not crazy right? that there was this gif artwork of asterion giving the mc a massage? by massage him just tapping his dick on your back i lost my folder and I can't find it anymore send help

Ok I feel stupid for asking this again but I have all the things needed to bring roushk back to my place but the option isn't there? What happened did they change it?

Anyway to beat lady bitch entice in her game of gamble maybe improve stats or something?

Yeah your human in game proof of it when you go to taos homeland being called a hairless hogsvin

wait so it's just that no boss fight?


I'm trying very hard 🐱

oh no not yet

aww that's a shame wte is such a cool character too plus thanks for saving me time trying to make something happen with the warren hahaha been pressing it per day seeing if something would happen lol

Heyo just a quick question is the warren in ste's farm still a wip or do you need something to tell ste about this weird evil rabbit hole

Hey question I just finished the rats problem event and I was wondering a few things do you solve the dungeon in the junkyard I'm stuck or is it still a wip

2. Is the town in the island where tao is from still also a wip I can't seem to do much than just rent a room in the tavern is there something you need to do so you can explore the town and unlock the shops?

3. Can scrap leave the junkyard in this patch

I know it's alot of questions but I'm just stuck at the moment

Hey how do you guys lower your lewd fame ingame?

its cool just spoil it to me next time or just put a spoiler warning on the comment to deter getting people mad for spoilers XD

i made one its called d3lete the game and start all over

i found a way its called delete all your progress since I tried using a load save that was like 50 days behind the whole meeting with mr.nameless and he still forces you to make that prev choice super freeaky and cool well i needed to restart my run anyways and go for logan to get that heart

Oh neato thanks alot he surr is quite tricky welp its timr to try and best him XD

Sadly im a filthy mobile player XDD

you can find him in the plaines of death do pray tell how

Also how can I get past his whole deal of not letting me try the other options I wanna go back to serving but i just wanna know what the others entail in diffrent options on how would the story go

Ok i just reached the nameless and he just took my options of trying to see what the other replies are but he took my loading ability can anyone fill me in about mr. Nameless and what i should know about him aside from his giant penis?

Never mind i was just dumb ;w; thanks i found it

is it the secret passage in the munbary complex?

is mythshore still a wip? I can't seem to find the entrance to it

thanks i've been trying to get through it thinking i needed more bombs XD thanks for saving my ass literally

Does anyone know how to acess the crystal door thingy deep into the golems territory I can't get past it send help i keep getting fucked by golems ;//^//;

I tried capturing rousk in the new patch but instead of bringing him home it just gives me the option to bring him back to the temple am i doing something wrong?

Oh thanks guess im doing the corrupt route this time XD

Is there any update with top logan in this new patch or does he still remain undatable or have no sex scenes where he is the top?

1.Im using an android phone (oppo)

2.whenever i try to open the file it just opens my ibispaint deleted ibis then it says file cannot be opened

Hi i love your work but im having trouble installing the apk file for the android version is there anything i can do to install it?

How does one decrease their lewd fame?

Alone on a friday night?

Pink moo

Plush Asterion

Cute little moo

Oh thank you so much however im seeing diffrent events here by other players is that because they played diffrent choices? Cuz i can no longer raise logans affection or am i missing something?

i think i finished the game atm is there only ten events? Cuz if so id like to try a diffrent run also how do i raise Rousk, Scrap, and logans affection?