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Kdean Games

A member registered May 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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when you hold the blades should start spinning

once they get going let go

Were you able to fly?

(1 edit)

G - Key or Y button on the controller to start the engine!

You might have to hold it a bit to engage.

Currently the enemy doesn't fire back at you :) You'll find it challenging enough just to hit the targets.

You will notice trace fire and ground impacts though. And if you end up stuck around a tree or upside down.

ESC - key and start over for now.

Once that jam is over I'll make updates to the game for more fun!

Currently the enemy doesn't fire back at you :)

You'll find it challenging enough just to hit the targets.

You will notice trace fire and ground impacts though. And if you end up stuck around a tree or upside down.

ESC - key and start over for now.

Once that jam is over I'll make updates to the game for more fun!

Thank you

I will post an update to the game.

@KdeanGames is the place to keep up with all works!

You might like this one then. :)

The Last Stand 2024

In this demo it's best just to have fun flying the chopper :)

Try pointing the nose at the tower and do a 360 ")

(1 edit)

Nice to see such great support :)
I have the same issue's

The Solar Sea's Prototype begins Monday December, 14, 2021

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