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A member registered Jan 07, 2015 · View creator page →

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is this an AI generated itch page? lmao wtf.

thank you! Am I understanding correctly that the Deluxe version on itch is free? i don't see a way to buy on itch. if so, I'll donate. :)

Is there a way to buy Deluxe on I like that gives more to devs and I also like DRM-free titles. :)

Hey! Is this built on Unity? Looks great.

Echoing another thread. I think Masterplan has the potential to be the best planning / thought organization tool around.

I threw some extra change your way. :) I think projects like this deserve all the support they can get, and I really admire your work ethic and that the project is available as OSS.

P.S. If I could make one suggestion it would be to allow pasting images from clipboard, but I'm sure this is already on your roadmap.

Keep up the amazing work!

Hey there; there is no good way as far as I know. But take a look at how TowerFall handled it with their Dark World expansion:

Essentially, they packaged the expansion files separately, put a big disclaimer on the expansion page that it's not stand-alone. Once purchased, there are instructions on how to apply the expansion to your existing Towerfall installation (basically just copy, paste, and overwrite some files).

Please consider releasing the DLC here and not making your consumers second class citizens. :)

Thank you for releasing this on, but will the itch version receive the same updates as the Steam version? I'm afraid of buying from DRM-free storefronts because many developers end up only supporting the Steam release.

(1 edit)

I agree with this. I also think the "claimed" system is a bit confusing sometimes. I noticed now that there are two steps to claiming a game

I thought I had claimed Bleed 1 and Bleed 2 last week I believe when they were free. But it turns out I needed to click another button to actually claim the game. I wish there was a short, one-click "Claim" button on free game pages.

i loved it