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A member registered Sep 28, 2023 · View creator page →

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For sure!

Time to beat: 56seconds

Really enjoyable! I had fun trying to speed run it XD

Thank you sooo much :)

The sound is Sweeet and I love the atmosphere (so cosy). Great Game!

Great game! I really enjoy the driving and the way the character flails around when your trying to control the movement

Thanks, I really appreciate it!  

Thank so much :)

The controls are super good, gameplay is fun and addictive and the music, sfx and art fit perfectly. Great Job!

I really love this game! Who knew cute, fluffy penguins could work so well with killer, robot T-rex's. The music is great along with the overall vibes. Also I really like the penguins design :)

Many thanks! Yeah movements for sure's something 'm going to work

I appreciate the comment and yeah after some more play testing I've also noticed the keybindings are pretty weird to grasp and the movement needs to be tweaked but I'll work on it for next time. Thank you. 

Thank you very much I appreciate that, and I’ll take on the constructive criticism 👍

It might be because of the screen size, there should be a gummy bear that pops up to take you to the start level, but I've noticed on some devices it doesn't show. If you haven't maximized your screen that normally fixes it. 

hmm I’m not to sure, it’s supposed to take you to the next scene, but I’ll look into it.

Thanks for letting me know

Thank you very much :)