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Kira Sice

A member registered Oct 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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We stan Eggburt.

The polish is *chefs kiss*, gives me World's Hardest Game vibes!
I could see my self playing a lot of this game :D 

Poor Mark.

Some incredible polish in this game! Love the narrative, only wish I could complete it! I suck even on Easy! Guess I gotta get good.

Could only seem to play the typing minigame, would love to see the rest!
The typing minigame despite having simple rules, worked perfectly with the impending doom being the timer and I found myself messing up the tasks due to panicking over the timer! :D Nice job! 

Absolutely love the ghosting mechanic, it is really well made! Can imagine with more time you could make some super puzzling levels with a nice mix of mechanic and level design!  Hella nice job!

I'm happy you like it! I fully agree, I originally believed scaling the wave amount would be enough of a difficulty jump, but it doesn't pose as a good enough solution, will definitely alter the spawn rates, health and movement speeds!

Oh no :( I forgot how demanding Unreal projects are out of the box, I'll need to add some scalability settings in once the jam is over! Sorry about this :( 

Perfect! Sorry I should've made it clearer, that's a mistake on my end! I'm happy you like it! ^_^

It's gamepad only, are you using an XInput device such as an Xbox controller?

Yus! Just download the zip and the extract the files within, you'll find an executable inside there! :) 

Found this pretty fun! I challenge everyone to beat my score! (325m) >:D

Goto the game page for instructions and gameplay guide.
Photosynthesis by Keenan Sice, Kurojei, belle.ah, Xaldae, Meeeems (

Also something to note:
There is currently a softlock if you retry after failing, fix ready for when the Jam finishes, for now forcefully restart the game.

Current softlock if you retry after failing, fix ready for when the Jam finishes, for now forcefully restart the game.