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A member registered Dec 29, 2017 · View creator page →

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You read it out loud but then didn't press it! "Press ? for help"

I guess I should have put a mandatory controls splash screen in or something :(

2.0.1 and 1.0.6 Reduce the default font size so it should fit comfortable on a 1080p display. The previous font size was determined to be too large.

2.0.0 Has the ability to start a new game after dying. Otherwise it's the same (gameplay wise) as 1.0.5 but represents a decent amount more work to accomplish that. Definitely not within the scope of the 7DRL event.

I enjoyed playing this game! I struggled some with feeling like I was getting better at the combat but it was still neat.

I think the friends in a bottle are super powerful and carried me through about 4 floors :)

Ok. I'll give it another shot later today, thanks!

I can't seem to get the controls to work reliably. Using keyboard controls scrolls me all over and targeting doesn't appear to work. How do I am at enemies?

Doesn't fit on my screen for some reason :/

(2 edits)

1.0.5 Fixes a bug in my rendering library that reduces CPU usage by 50%. Should stop spinning the hell out of your fans now :(

If the game is too large for you display you can reduce the size by specifying a new font information on the command line. You can find all of the choices by listing the contents of the assets/font directory. The default is cp437_16x16.png.

On Linux you can pass the arguments to either delivery-rl or, depending on how you run it:

./ -font-path=assets/font/cp437_12x12.png -font-width=12 -font-height=12

And on windows you'll need to supply them on the command line:

delivery-rl.exe -font-path=assets\font\cp437_12x12.png -font-width=12 -font-height=12

Controls are in game, hit ? to see them.

After you die you have to quit the game (Control-Q, Alt  F4) and restart. I didn't have time to implement starting over :(

Windows users should be able to run the windows.exe

Linux users should be able to either run the delivery-rl binary, or (which adds some bundled libraries to LD_LIBRARY_PATH).

OSX users should be able to run the windows binary with wine.

(1 edit)

I pushed a few changes today to fix a minor bug, add some help text, and slightly tweak the balance.