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Keith Nemitz

A member registered Feb 06, 2017 · View creator page →

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very sweet!

fun! one button games FTW!

You might want to check out the demo for The Witch's Yarn. It uses a similar control scheme for IF.  It was released in 2006, I think.

(1 edit)

I am a game designer looking for other developers all shapes and sizes!

1. Introduction: Hi, I 'm Keith Nemitz.

2. Skills: My strengths are writing, programming, and design. Although Laura might cough at my claims to writing : - P.

3. Programs/Languages: I'm strongest with Python. Currently working with C# and Unity3D. I've done C and C++ in the distant past.

4. Portfolio: You can see the games I've created over the years as an indie.

5. Contact: .My email is I'll create a slack channel for devs who'd like to work on what I'm proposing. If there's insufficient interest, I'm happy to work with others on their project.

6. Other: I propose a utopia based on the concept of mediator, artificial intelligences. This is actually a thing that could arise from the latest computer smack-down of poker players, believe it or not. Imagine a world, where, when you need to negotiate, your hired AI can evaluate what you are worth, in the broadest sense relevant to the deal. Consider employment. AI can judge your work history, the company's pay scales, how likely you are to enjoy the work, how likely the company will survive during your employment, an incredible number of considerations that puny humans are clueless about. The AI would then negotiate an optimal package deal. My working title is Machines of Heartless Justice. (riff off a sixties poem) The key theme is, "Our tools may not love us, but they may bring us together."