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A member registered Dec 08, 2017

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Spoiler! I really want to pour out my heart and soul to you!

I would like to add that after playing Sissel's route, I still experience a wide range of emotions...It really hurts me that everyone else has forgotten Jinny in the end because of...reasons T_T. Was there no way to save her for a truly happy ending? Seriously, after Jinny didn't go on the plane with them and at the same moment everyone forgot about her, I just cried uncontrollably...It was so sad, i felt so sorry for her and she so deserved to be there with Euca, Sissel and others...and her grandma especially. If it wasn't for her, that happy ending wouldn't have happened. 

Idk, while the "Move forward" option gives us a good ending where Euca and Sissel will live happily ever after together, but for me it's still a Bittersweet Ending because of this whole situation with Jinny and Euca's unresolved issues with his past (Not to mention that Sissel never found out the truth about Euca's time travelling). 

But the "Repeat" option...HOLY FUCK! It's an outright Tragic (Sad) Ending. Euca's farewell to Sissel in the end just killed me emotionally (this moment reminded me of this old tv series "Quantum Leap")! And his words about how Sis is going to be okay and that he doesn't need him anymore...Oh my God! It's just...jeez...Sissel has not only forgotten Jinny, but now he will also forget Euca. Two of the most important people in his life will just disappear from his life forever, it's incredibly cruel! I would like to address Jinny and especially Euca, what the fuck? Do you both really think that now he will be fine without you just because he found out the truth about his family and won this tournament? He needs you! You're both part of his family too! It's not fair that you didn't give him a choice...

Shiro, it's amazing. You've created an amazing game and it's one of the most emotional experiences I've ever had. You can't imagine how many people you've made happy with "Repeat". I hope in the future we will see a truly happy ending where all our main characters will finally be happy, I really hope it happens someday because for me they are now close friends whom I have never met but I was still happy to see them on the screen. I'm sobbing right now T_T Thank you once again, Shiro! I love you!!!

P.S. The end credits of Sissel's routes are just amazing and so so so cute. I really liked the sketches that produce the events of this route and oh my God, I loved seeing Euca and Sissel together, they're so cute, I just can't uwu

Please don't pay attention to this, Shiro. You know we all love Repeat and most people love your new sprites!
Don't let these words discourage you, we will all support you and we will be looking forward to the continuation of the game.

I love this visual novel with all my heart and i love Sissel so so so much, thank you for this amazing route full of emotions and wonderful memories, Shiro! I hope this isn't the last time we see Sissel and that there will be more content with Sissel, Euca and other Repeat characters to come *_* Thank you~

I couldn't have said it better. Thank you for your kind words, I feel exactly the same as you do! T_T

I know it's a bit out of nowhere but If Sissel had a Japanese voice actor in the game, it would definitely be Yuma Uchida. He voiced many male characters in anime that are similar to Sissel in personality.

You're welcome~

Hello, buddy! It's 林欣彤 - Little Something. You can listen to it here:

Totally agree, they are canon! They belong to each other *_*

Same! I can't wait to see his Happily Ever After with Eric *_*

Yeah, yeah, I did it right away~ This update is absolutely wonderful ^^

Shirokoi, hello:) When will we see the next update?  It's been so long, i can't wait to see the continuation, pleeeeease T_T

Yeah, it's been a long time, i can't wait to see the next update for public...Shirokoi, please T_T

You're welcome, i'm also happy about that ^^

Totally agree with you, Ferus. Spencer and Eric (MC) is truly a wonderful couple. Dyne once said that Spencer's route is the canon one, so I'm very happy about it and it makes sense. His perfect ending is just everything. I can't wait to see the epilogue of their story together later~

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Oh my gosh, i'm so happy to see the continuation of one of my the most beloved gay games ^^ EucaxSissel all the way but i'm really interested in Owen and Phillip's routes too. I'm especially curious about how Euca and Phillip's potential relationship will turn out because Euca just love sex and physical affection and Phillip isn't interested in this at all. So I'm wondering how they can build their relationship, it's gonna be interesting (and I'm not lying, Phillip is so hot right now, I would like to see sex scenes with him and Euca too haha) Please, keep it up, Shiro. You made my day with your update uwu

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Wow, does this mean that we will get more routes with love interests? I've just found out about Dwayne, an anthropomorphic gorilla teacher, and he's really hot and he seems like a cool man:) Another DILF is really appreciated ^^

Yep, that's right

Um...yes, they got married at the end of the route, it's the perfect ending. And the canon name of the main character is Eric. This has been confirmed by Dyne a long time ago lmao)

Agree with you, ali! While I love Spencer with all my heart, Darius is also one of my favorite characters in the game and I love his evolving relationship with Eric (MC). I really hope that just like with Spencer on his route, both Eric and Darius will also be able to marry each other in the future (maybe in the epilogue, idk?) ^^

Guys, who do you think is the canon love interest for Euca?

Tbh, I prefer Spencer as a top in a relationship with Eric. Watching how he takes the initiative in their personal life and in sexual relationship is much sexier and feels wholesome than vice versa. Don't get me wrong, i like him to be more passive but the more active Spencer is much better in his dynamic with Eric in my opinion. I really, REALLY hope that Dyne will make a sex scene where he tops Eric and more aggressive in a good way in the last days of his route

You're welcome))

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Good luck with your project, buddy:) Even though i love Juuichi and this fanmade sequel makes him as a main love interest, Torahiko x Hiroyuki is still OTP, a canon pairing from the original game and will always be) Btw, i'm happy you're using the original sprites, that's a right choice ^^

P.S. We don't know which city Hiroyuki moved to. In the original, it was just an unknown city, "Osaka" is an addition by revisited/homecoming team and isn't an original source. Anyway, good luck once again:3

It has been confirmed by Dyne that Spencer's route is a canon one.

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As i was saying, i saw other comments about Spencer's route being canon (Twitter and Patreon) and he confirmed that the route is not just his personal canon but simply the canon, true route of the whole novel. So I will stick to my statement. You can also ask Dyne about it in details on Twitter. But if you're right, it's okay. Spencer will always be my canon (as well as canon of many, many people) no matter what ^^

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No, Dyne has repeatedly confirmed on Twitter and Patreon that Spencer’s route is a canon route. In Dyne's words, Spencer has loved Eric since before the start, and he has to watch him go through each other route and find love with someone else. Also according to Dyne, Spencer's the only person that really ends up missing out if you don't choose him. I have no links, but it's true and many people have already seen this. If you don't wanna to believe, that's fine. But he's Eric's canon lover, clear and simple. And if some route is recognized to be a canon by developer, then this doesn't mean that all other routes aren't important. This is not true, all routes and characters are loved and important:)

Technically, Haves is not the last character. Raion doesn't have his route too. Anyway, i'm already really happy with 12 bachelors that we have now ^^

I have an idea! What if MeYaoi allowed us to raise the rest of the money for Howl's route when the campaign ends? Since so many people have already given money for his route and are hoping for it. We've already raised almost 2000$ for him and we'll probably raise up to 3000$ by the end of March. But we may not be able to raise all of it...😔

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Dude, i'm really scared...We need to raise almost $3,000 for Howl and we only have 2 weeks left ... If more people don’t want to buy more packs (Ranch Empoyees, NPC pledges etc.), then we won't get him T_T Jeez, why, just why T_T

I really hope that we can do it! I am disappointed with the new results, but I still hope in the next week pledge will be more successful.

It's so cool that we were able to get this goal (40k)! Grizz is so hot and lovely, i love him!  Great pledge people!))) Now, I really hope that we can reach Howl. Like centaurs, this character is very unique and very promising! We just have to get him too. We have almost an entire month for that guys, don't slow down ^_^

Yay! Yay! Yay! I want ALL of them!:)

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Yeah, i'm totally with you. And to be honest, Howl is one of my favourites and i want to see him as one of the love interests too, i really like this big bad wolf T_T  

I don't want to whine, but I still hope for appearing of campaign extension... i want to see ALL routes with all of these characters very much.

My idea is "Stripper outfit with tuxedo elements" which includes a red bow tie, a tight-fitting black G-strings with tuxedo patterns (a white collar, a red bow tie) and short white sleeves on both wrists. ^^

I hope we'll get the campaign extension.

Yeah, but nevertheless I hope that we'll get exactly all the guys routes ^^ They are all so precious, it remains only to wait for the end of January to find out the news=)

Oh, i see. In this case, i will wait until the campaign ends too:) And i'll keep my fingers crossed for the sake of campaign extension ^^ And thank you for the answer.

I guess Hunny will be the last one until the campaign ends...I'm not telling that i don't like Hunny, mind you. But Grizz, Howl, Haves, Raion, Sterion with Thunder...these guys don't have any time...unless you expand the crowdfunding period. Seriously, it would be such a gift for all of us, please please please ^^

Yeah, i'm getting worried now...If I understand correctly, then from the fourth to seventeenth November we managed to gather only a little more than a thousand dollars? I don’t know if we can still unlock all stretch goals, but I hope for a miracle ^^"

Personally, i want ALL stretch goals to be achieved, they are all amazing ^^ But my first choice is Ginger))