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A member registered Oct 14, 2017 · View creator page →

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I second a request for an RPG maker jam discord group!

I'm also on RPG Maker Portal.

Thanks for reviewing my game!! A lot of suggestions I took to heart and will consider in my next game. A lot of flaws and typos were a result of rushing the project. The TP issue was interesting because I did take it out, but it caused the battles with dialogue to crash. I put it back in and had to completely delete the troops that had dialogue on them and re-create them! I really needed the dialogue for the final (final) boss so I just sacrificed presentation and left it in. The door comment made me laugh because I don't even have doors in my real house!! (It's a long story) I think I really do hate doors haha.

I'm currently playing Divini 2 and I'm really enjoying it! It's a really well thought out and designed game. I'm working up a glowing review!

This game was a lot of fun! I really liked the environment and the story was great!

Thank you!!

Thanks for playing my game! You have to equip the fishing pole under tools, I added some last minute NPCs to explain that, I'll double check to make sure its clear.

This game was deceptively fun! I had a blast playing it! Good job!

Fun game!!

HAHA Cute game. The struggle is real!!(Tried to upload a picture but it got weird.)

Fun game!!

Fun game! I like the controls and the dying sound effects haha.

Fun game! I fell into space :(

thank you for the feedback! Level design is something I struggle with so I decided to go all out on this game! I'm glad you liked it!

Thanks for the feedback! 

Fun game! I like the penalties, it made it very challenging!

Antiasylum community · Created a new topic Nice Game!

I was genuinely scared when the girl jumped out the window! I was not expecting that!

Mavis Beacon can eat her heart out!

I'm not familiar with this scene, but this game was a lot of fun!

This game is a lot of fun!

Fun game! I love all of the sound bites!

Fun game!!

Great game!

Sort the Court! community · Created a new topic Fun game!!

I really enjoyed this game! I think this would make a really cool mobile game. Then I could totally play this while my husband's watching boring sports!

Fun game!!!