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A member registered Feb 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Well, okay. All I ask is that you avoid mocking me for their poor quality (not image quality, just how terribly they were made).

There might be a few others I've missed, but these are all of the sprites I could find when looking around in my folders:

Edit: If you mean the sprites used in the original Shit Tower, I do not have those. You can find the source code for the GMS2 version here, though, so it might contain them:

honestly quite incredible

ok i'm reviving this kinda, i have some plans, which they mainly involve making more levels. i'm bad at coding in GML, so i won't be coding much, but i will do what i can

(4 edits)

shit tower is no more

at the time of writing viz has yet to edit the page, so here's some links for st (no these aren't leaks, the game stopped development due to viz not liking st anymore, and we agreed to release the most recent playtest build and source code):


Source Code:

bad fangame 0/10

(2 edits)

the reason why there's no shit to be seen in the tower is because i took it all and stuffed it into o noia like those realistic cakes i'm not sorry