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A member registered Jul 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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Done and done! 

My apologies; some complications in my personal life made it a bit difficult to get back to this page for a while. 

So, full disclosure, this is the first game I’ve made, as part of a game jam. I’ve been looking for support from folks to build it out further and playtest it properly, but haven’t had much success on that front. As such, what I can tell you is limited. 

1) the game was designed for a GM and anywhere from 1 player to, well, as many as you want - though I find more than 8 would probably be difficult to manage. 

2) Average play time is…unknown at this time due to lack of sufficient testing. 

3) I suppose solo play is doable, but there is no specific mode built in to support that (yet). The player would essentially have to fill both a GM and player-character role in that instance. 

Once again, I apologize for not getting back to you the first time. That’s bad form on my part, and not the way I really want to support my work and the people interested in it. 

If you have any additional questions, I’ll be checking this page a lot more often as I try to get back to working on these projects more consistently. 

Thank you for your interest! 

Yeah, that particular issue has been dogging me for a while. Gotta admit, I…actually don’t know how to do that…(😬😬) But I’ll look it up and see what I can do. 

I know, the uploads and downloads have been brutal for this one and it is an unforgivably large file. Suffice it to say my eyes were bigger than my stomach on this one. 

Ah! Understood. I appreciate the feedback. I’ll try and get those changes made ASAP, and I’ll let you know when the updated files are posted. 

It’s those formatting issues that are really giving me headaches as a new designer. It’s always a relief when I get a heads up on what ‘reads’ well and what doesn’t. 

Thanks again. 

I’ve updated the visuals for this game; for previous purchasers who wish to upgrade (and why wouldn’t you?) I have a set of keys that should cover everyone, and if needed I’ll set up more. Thank you for your patience. 

To all purchasers: first off, thanks so much! 

Secondly, I am aware that the font and text color has brought up some serious readability issues; you have my apologies, and I promise to fix this in a forthcoming update. I will post here and try to notify everyone as soon as that is ready. 

Thank you again and I hope that apart from the amateur-hour layout issues you enjoy the gameplay of Rebellion Occupied Earth! Please feel free to send feedback and constructive criticism, I welcome the chance to learn.

Thanks so much! I really wanted to channel that sense of conflicting goals and giving players room to make hard, dramatic choices. If you ever try such a campaign let me know! I’d love to hear how that turned out! 

Do you have software or a website in mind? Our host suggested Affinity (which I’m trying for the first time, I’m going for my first published game too), I’ve seen that website Canva used for Neon Nights; for a first timer I imagine InDesign is a bit too much of a complexity barrier. 

I could take an editing pass for folks - grammar and spelling, etc. I’m still new to game design so that might be the extent of what I can offer besides enthusiasm. 🤷🏻‍♂️

 I’m definitely in the market for playtesters, I have no contacts for that yet and may recruit for another bigger project later on if all parties are amenable.