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A member registered Mar 09, 2024 · View creator page →

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LOVED the style and concept! I do agree with RuneMoth about the jump, but aside from that I found the controls and mechanics to be quite nice (and fun!). I did get stuck briefly at the part where you have to pop the bubble mid-jump and get to the platform, but that was mostly me being rusty with pc controls lol

I did encounter a bug. In the section after the jump I mentioned (after clearing the section) when I moved to the next screen, the player character disappeared and the game froze. Idk if it's sth on my end, but that was my experience.

Excluding the freezing, I throughly enjoyed the game! Controls felt smooth and responsive. I liked the controls being on the main screen (I forget to read descriptions) and they were simple and easy to pick up. Aesthetics were on point, and I think this fit the theme to a T!!

Would definitely recommend to friends! :DD

(1 edit)

It took me a while to understand the mechanics (I don't read descriptions sometimes lol), but once I did, it was super fun! The controls could use some polishing but aside from that I think this is a neat little game that, imo, captured the theme perfectly!

All in all, I would definitely play this if it was in an arcade! :DD

Any room for me to join you? I'm also studying game design in uni (first year) so every bit of experience counts!