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A member registered Jan 10, 2021

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8.9 taking a while lol. Also I get the save problem too.

You download the real teams mod on their page

Hey I got windows on mac which was a very rough process and I like the game. I would like to put my input on the recruiting system. I think that you have the base of it down very well. I personally think that recruiting is way too difficult to do especially with a lower prestige team. Even with Notre Dame which in my league is a 99 prestige I can't hardly ever seem to get recruits. Normally just to recruit I have to lower down the amount of recruits I go for to about 6 and mostly only go for high or excellent interest then I have to call them every week but after about the 4th or 5th week you run out of points. I just would like to see it easier to recruit mainly for building a low prestige team to a good team.

Hey I really want to play this game I can't because I'm mac. Are you guys looking to add this game to mac? If so then when?