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Kevin Catlett Games

A member registered May 31, 2019 · View creator page →

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I am a programming and game design student from germany looking for a team to make a awesome game jam project. 

I've developed multiple games in teams outside of and during game jams in Unity3D and have them published here on, if you'd like to give them a look.

I'm free to chat and figure out how the team could be structured / if we want to find some more people etc. 

I really like the concept! Even if its quite simple it´s addictive to play and calming at the same time. Very good game for the first Jam!

Thank you very much for giving it a look, glad you like the changes.

Thank you, I have released a update for Planet Aid and a devlog on the game page going into details about the changes. I appreciate your comment. 

This game has alot of charm, collecting your life by picking up Family members was very original and i enjoyed my time with the game. I had some problems initiating the dash attack, not sure if I just didnt understand it. Cute and fun game though nontheless!

Hey cademille thank you for trying out Planet Aid. I'm glad you enjoyed it. 

I had alot of fun with this game because of the challenging level design and adrenaline rush the birds gave me. I'd also like to mention that i really enjoyed the graphics and parallax effect. I played until World3 level1 and enjoyed my time.

Nice job!

Cute submission. I enjoyed my time with it

nice job, fun but challenging

Nice job. The quests were funny

nice art and i liked replaying it

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colonialism but in a good way?? xD Thanks for leaving a comment and checking out the game

I appreciate your feedback and that you checked out Planet Aid! I think with a few more changes that 'moment' can be even more satisfying. 

Thank you for investing your time into playing Planet Aid. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Ofc! :)

(1 edit)

Thank you for pointing that out i will update the rocks so its more clear how they are falling from the sky and where they will land

After getting used to the controls it was very fun and I got into a swiping rhythm. Ended at 167

NIce game, got pretty challenging! 

Very fun and funny game

very fun and funny game

Thank you i really appreciate you trying the game out.

Fun concept and I enjoyed my time with Rabbit vs Aliens. Great stuff! 

Fun Game! The abilities were nice, it got pretty challenging and needed strategy after a couple of waves

I found Slurps idea very fun and the assets fit well with the theme. The gameplay wa great because you had to think ahead and change the path you walk between lanes. Great game.

Fun Game! Challenging but fair.

Nice Game with good graphics. Challenging but fun. It's great that OverHeal has a tutorial, the text in it was pretty big but could just be my screen resolution.

Siege mage was fun. I won a few rounds. It was a nice challenge. 

Hello 40wattstudio and thank you so much for playing my game. 

I am very happy you enjoyed your time with it.

Your feedback on the how to play panel is spot on, I will definitely add some helpful changes concerning it in the next patch coming in a few days, probably what you have mentioned. 

Since you have postet I have been able to recreate the bug where the ship is stuck inside of the planet after a new one was generated and I will do my best to get that fixed as well. 

A big point is the amount of things happening on the screen, I am thinking of ways to make interactable objects stand out more. 

I very much appreciate your feedback, great ingame score as well 👏

Have a nice day! 

I'm glad the game was enjoyable. Many thanks! 

We appreciate you spending your time on Joined Flight and sharing your thoughts 😊

Such a nice and constructive comment, you have inspired us. Thank you 

I understand that it can be difficult, but I'm glad the mechanic with the music came over well :) thank you for playing! 

Thank you for your kind feedback! We are actually working on multiple levels already and hope to release the game fully in a few months. 

Thank you very much

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Thank you for the kind words i am happy you enjoyed the game!

I am having alot of fun with Bon Bones and I will keep checking in when updates are available :)

Thanks alot!