Hi there my name is Keyan Guthrie and I'm looking to be part of a team this upcoming game jam. My main experience is in unity being a sound designer and game designer. I have some experience with coding and animation controls as well. On top of this I have knowledge of 3D modeling, texturing, and animation but only trough maya/mudbox/substance painter.
My goals with this jam is to collaborate and learn with someone on learning more about blender and unreal engine. I would go further with maya and unity but maya costs money that I don't have and I'm not found of the recent news coming in regards to what the CEO of unity said and the companies recent actions.
Additionally I am trying to graduate from lane community college in Eugene oregon with a AAS in game development but I can't find a internship opportunity anywhere that can fill the last requirement i need to graduate. So being paired with someone who may know of anyone that could help would be super awesome 😎.
If anyone wants to team up, feel free to add me and msg me on discord @ Neon Neko #7080
Looking forward to working with y'all!