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A member registered Sep 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks and noted.


I like the..hmm how do i say it...artistic direction maybe?

good luck for the final build

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HI, thanks for playing.

1. This version is indeed more demanding than the first but your computer is indeed not that good.

2. You should follow the rail to get the second, bigger ending and to the city.

3. There are 4 weapons in the game.

Great game, its nostalgic for some reason... reminding me of Wii games

You should consider a mobile port


Also, i have noticed the text kind of glitches if I switch to fullscreen

really nice

Cheers too!

Thanks for the feedback!

Player speed changed.

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Yes you need to press enter. 

Also, after pressing NEW GAME your save will be deleted.

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Aside from player speed which I agree and I will fix a bit. 

How are the saves . You died, went into main menu, pressed Load Game and it didnt loaded? After you saved at a SAVE statue pressing Enter? 

(Of course,  asking because our team had no problems with the saves)

Can you please specify which version are you playing? Linux, Windows, Html:

Woah, we finally finished it. Check it out and see if you like it

Fixed in the latest patch

Any room left?


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I can do a tutorial if more people want it of course.

I also wanted to make the enemies move faster after each wave but thats in a next update


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great game, reminds me of tita n f all 2

I think i discovered a bug, when you attack, YOU get damage, I think the sword is attack the player itself 

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the game doesnt work

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please state your Operating system, resolution and system specs (cpu, gpu and ram)

i tested it on 2 pcs (3070 and 1660) and it worked great, no crashes with over 60 frames both

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Embark on a journey alongside Private Marian, who lost everything during his crash on an unknown planet, devoid of companionship and lacking his equipment... Will he survive the challenge and come back home?

Experience Marian's struggle for survival and finding purpose amidst the isolation of the unknown planet.

Gameplay details:

  • Private Marian, a common soldier fighting the war lost control of the ship and crashed on an unknown planet. In his crash he lost his friends but most importantly, the proper equipment to survive.
  • Time becomes crucial in the game as Marian's armor is heavily damaged and slowly failing, and his depleted oxygen is not helping either. Players must find a way to manage their time efficiently and escape this dreadful planet immediately.
  • Marian lost his weapons and the planet's hostile life forms pose a constant threat to Marian's survival, you need to explore and hope you will find weapons in order to fight the deadly alien life.
  • Lost your way? That's the point. Follow your instinct and your surroundings.
  • Choices do matter! This game contains multiple endings!

Hello. I recently published my game, Slaying Grove. It is my first game EVER (well, not really, I made a 2D game before this but you were only able to walk on a blank map). first PROPER game, I worked on it for about a week so please, don't be too harsh on me :)

A quick summary:

  You wake up in a weird forest, just to find out there are creatures wanting to kill you...BUT what is that? A paramedic helicopter, finally you can be saved. You need to arrive at the helicopter's location before it arrives (you have 10 minutes) but there are some "obstacoles" in the finding your way through the forest and more (I don't wanna spoil).

The game is short but I have tried to make it fun! Expect something as the "final stage" of the game!

Here it is some footage of it:

I am really curious to hear your opinions, this is the page's link! ( )

Thank you!

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Thanks, again! I know this is not what you were referring to but I have decreased a bit of their speed so it should be a bit "better" now.

Anyway, your review has been very helpful for a more ambitious, juicier sequel I am planning to make.