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A member registered Sep 26, 2022

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(1 edit)

You can ask all the questions you want. I will answer them whenever I have free time.

Below I put the link to a good guide to start the game. Follow the directions and you will save yourself a lot of time investigating on your own. If you haven't played this type of game before, you will find it difficult, but once you know the mechanics, you will feel comfortable exploring, fighting, looting, buying and selling.

When you start your adventure, the hardest thing to master is the motion controls, but again, you'll get used to it as you progress through the game.

I'll be waiting for your first impressions with the game.


If you want to receive help and stay up to date with updates, comments and any activity in the game, I recommend that you visit the following link.

In discord you will be in direct contact with the developers.

(1 edit)

Eras II is the most realistic game I know. The developers have done a pretty good job, but no mod and no game is 100% simulation.

As for the sandbox mode, it is pure open world, with total freedom to do what you want. You also have total freedom to navigate in real time on a giant map, (obviously on a reduced scale). You could spend hours traveling at normal speed from one end of the map to the other. You can also teleport to the nearby places and you can also speed up time and navigate quickly through the strategic map. In other words, there are two types of navigation, one based on total simulation and the other, simply navigation in a simplified way. Both options are well represented in the game. You can travel with the tools of the time and remove all kinds of aids. You decide which one to use at all times.

You also have story missions and repeatable missions. Eras II is not a linear game. You decide everything, but be careful, it is not advisable to accept a mission and fail, since your reputation is at stake. By the way, the system of reputation, title, morale and rank is quite interesting and addictive. Your character and most AI characters have their own reputation. If you commit acts considered morally good or bad, you will gain and lose reputation and therefore the sympathy of the npc who know you. You decide to be the hero or the villain. In either case, the progression of morale and reputation is slow, and good things are quickly forgotten over time.

As for the naval battles, they are quite spectacular and realistic. Of course you have to take into account the direction and speed of the wind. Properly use different ammunition for different purposes. You know, sail shots to slow down the opponent, shrapnel shots to cause crew casualties, normal cannon balls and explosive shots to break and set the hull on fire. The movement of the sea depends on the weather and storms, which makes it difficult to aim the cannons.

If you choose a novice character, at first it is more difficult to navigate and fight, because you do not have a suitable ship, no skills, no officers, and no proper instruments. In that sense, it is very addictive to try to get little by little the necessary equipment to simplify things.

There are many items and goods, some of them necessary to micromanage your ships. You need to buy wood and cloth to repair the hull and sails. Depending on your strategy, you decide which shipment of supplies to buy (ammunition, food, drink...). Your ships and your crew need logistics that are gradually consumed. A ship with a large hold can be useful for transporting goods, but speed is also very important.

Directional orders are used to make allied ships avoid the straight line. This option is very important when you see that your allied ship is in danger of being boarded. For example, in the original game, if you gave the order to your allied ships to flee, they would risk going in the opposite direction. Now with this new option you can prevent absurd dangerous situations for your allied ships.

Eras II has a rich set of mods built in that add realism. Any mod can be activated and deactivated at your choice in the options menu.

You can have a fleet of 6 ships maximum, but I don't recommend having more than 4 ships, in order to capture two ships in each battle. The larger your fleet and the level of your ships, the more money you need for maintenance. You know, it's always good to have one or two heavy ships, a cargo ship and a fast ship to break the opponent's sails. But ships are worth nothing if they don't have a good commanding officer.

I hope I have clarified some of your doubts.

Eras II is the best mod, the biggest, the most historical and artistic in content.

Hundreds of ships represented in great detail.

Hundreds of items, weapons and armor.

Historical figures.

Wide variety of officers to recruit.

The cities are visually improved.

The difficulty of the game is customizable in 10 levels and different skill levels. The low levels are very easy, but the high levels are extremely difficult. It's up to you to find the appropriate level.

You can give directional movement orders to your ships. Ideal to go in the right direction according to your purpose. I don't recall seeing such an option in the original game.

Many flags to customize your ship.

The experience after playing for hours is really rewarding.

The graphic environment is far superior to the original game. And most importantly, in Eras there are no performance issues. In the hours I've played I haven't suffered a single crash on the desktop.

Also, if you have Maesltrom, you can download the rest of the mods. I recommend you play Eras II, but I also recommend you try New Horizons. The two are different mods. New Horizons is more arcade, but fun in fencing matches. Eras II is a serious game for purists, without a doubt the best mod. If you like Age of Pirates, you can't pass up the opportunity to play Eras II and New Horizons.

I hope you enjoy it as much as me.

All the best.

GOF Eras II is in my humble opinion the best historical pirate game. It is a mix of simulation and management with a great pack of ships and historical characters, many weapons, armor and all kinds of objects. It is one of those games that you always come back to play.

(2 edits)

Thanks for your answer. After playing hours on Corsair difficulty, I decided to give Admiral a try and finally found the difficulty level adjusted to my style of play. Now the experience is really exciting for me.

Luckily, this game offers many possibilities to adjust the level of difficulty. For example, if I select the Admiral level, I have to adjust the strength stats to 8 points and stamina to 9 points, to better face the character's fencing matches.

Power 8

Perception 6

Reaction 6

Authority 10

Talent 4 + 1 (Item)

Resistance 9

Success 5

Now the fencing matches are harder, but also more balanced for me. Of course, there are missions that are really difficult at low levels. It's a matter of patience.

To balance the economy, I have left the Success skill at 5.

As for the Admiral difficulty level in naval battles, it is now really hard, but rewarding. Again, you have to be patient, wait for your chance, initially avoid punitive expeditions, progressively improve skills, hire better officers, assign them ships appropriate to their level...

In short, GOF Eras II is really playable, with a lot of content and lots of beautiful details.

I have also played other modifications, I guess the best known. Although it was years ago. I will definitely try the mods you have recommended.

In relation to GOF 1.2 (if my memory serves me correctly), a few years ago I worked on the Spanish translation. But unfortunately, I abandoned the translation for personal reasons. Now I have seen that someone has modified the translation to adapt it to Eras II. I have simply reviewed all the files, adding the missing ones, translating and updating for the latest version of the mod. The translation of Eras II is almost finished (98%), but I can't find a way to translate the texts in the intro menu of the game.

New Game

Load Game




When I add the line cfgLang = spanish in the languaje.ini file (in \RESOURCE\INI\texts) the main menu bars stay blank.


cfgLang = English

cfgLang = Portuguese

cfgLang = spanish

Thanks again, for responding, ChezJfrey.


I forgot to mention that loyalty and reputation in GOF Eras II work correctly without the need to install any external mod.


Sorry for my bad memory. I've searched and found my own prints on New Horizons (on my Nexusmods account), but I don't remember my link email on piratesahoy. I have seen that a group of guys have continued and finished the translation of New Horizons. Most of the Resource and Program files have been translated by me personally in June 2019.

I don't know why I have confused both mods, since New Horizons and GOF 1.2 are mods created for different games. In any case, the translation of Eras II is almost finished and it works correctly, but I have not been able to contact JTem to let him know and send him the zip file with the finished translation.

I must also clarify that I have finished the translation for Eras II for my personal use. Actually I didn't plan to get too involved, but I don't have any problem sharing it either.

Greetings and apologies for the confusion.

(1 edit)

¿Qué dificultad es la más equilibrada?

Me gustaría comenzar un nuevo juego en la dificultad más equilibrada. En mi juego inicial selecciono la dificultad marinero, pero gano tanto dinero que pierdo interés. En mi segundo juego comencé con Admiral y estoy totalmente abrumado por la dificultad tanto en la esgrima como en las batallas de barcos.

Bueno, llegado a este punto, me gustaría resumir mi experiencia personal. Hace años comencé a jugar Age of Pirates y, como la mayoría de los jugadores realmente interesados, he dado el siguiente paso tratando de encontrar un mod global estable, jugable y realista. Desafortunadamente, la mayoría de las modificaciones globales están rotas de alguna manera, ya sea por falta de estabilidad, fallas, fallas, fallas en el escritorio, falta de texturas... En pocas palabras, después de pasar horas tratando de encontrar la última modificación, se interrumpe la progresión y se obliga a comenzar una nueva. juego cuyo destino volverá a ser el mismo.

Hoy y después de tantos años retomando el juego, he decidido darle una oportunidad a Eras II, del que ya puedo decir que es el único mod de conversión total que realmente funciona sin problemas, sin salir del escritorio, sin errores graves que romper su progresión. Por fin puedo disfrutar de este juego con las mejores opciones, al menos las que se ajustan a mi concepto de cómo debería haber sido Age of Pirates II. El nivel de detalle de las naves, la variedad de personajes y la cantidad de objetos son magníficos. Las modificaciones añadidas y los problemas resueltos han convertido este juego en una verdadera joya para disfrutar. Por supuesto, nada es perfecto y es imposible complacer a todos, pero repito, finalmente puedo disfrutar de una revisión hermosa y completa del mod.

Estoy disfrutando tanto de este mod, que he decidido actualizar y terminar la traducción al español. En realidad es un archivo de traducción que encontré en la red, pero estaba incompleto, desactualizado y con algunos errores. Ahora la traducción al español ya cubre todos los aspectos del juego, tanto en los menús como en las misiones. Si alguien está interesado podría subirlo para compartir.

Y por último, también he sustituido el archivo officer.c por uno que encontré en la red. Necesitaba ajustar el nivel de lealtad de los oficiales, pero hasta ahora no he tenido tiempo de ver los resultados del cambio.

Gracias por seguir trabajando en este maravilloso mod. No me arrepiento de comprarlo.