Recent community posts
Big idea a way to become like a vampire but insted of drinking blood its draining curves with like a % of chance to gain a level to breasts or ass and if you dont drain curves about each 1 to 10 days you have a % to loose a level vampire stat can be cured but it will make loose 2 levels to ass or breasts if you dont have enough levels it will take a 200$ but if you have under amount that it will take all your money insted fell free to change things can be this update or in a future one dont worry i am patient
Personaly i use pix ai have you tried it yet the browser version dont have any restrictions so i bet there is futa loras(btw here what i made today not futa related but its just and expanple alto its credit based but you get low generation costs by using some models (the one i use is only 500 credits per 4 times generatioj insted of 2300 you get 10,000 credits per day btw)
Yeah its if its unlockable then free from the start sometimes grind is fun if it isint too long also misses the 'look at yourself in the mirror' option and yes i just read the handbook too it does says that i hope it dosent get rectcon or something FlameWayve (also im ngl im planing of making a game myself now that i see how often updates get out im thinking about an interactive online manga that has multiple convergent endings i want evryones opinion on that but anyways thanks for your respond)
Well i gess we already have 0.4 CallMeTheOncleler ks really dedicated we need more devs like this we can expect 0.4 part 2 very soon i gess btw little idea we should be able to combine enhancements even if we already did 3 because technicaly the enhancements aint to maximum if you just have three level ones right? or make this unlockable in a future update or something(also i love the game we need more like this wen its the player that chooses the expansion they want and also thank you from Canada)