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A member registered Oct 12, 2022

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I see. Sorry to hear that. I hope for his safety and an end to the war.

I'm sure there is a lot to do to wrap things up. Is there timeline for completion, yet?

(3 edits)

This makes sense to me. The player progresses through the route with the desire for the scene but the character's resistance is completely at odds with the player's goal. At least if Susan had a design that most players would find unappealing and as a result also not want to engage with her, but she has a attractive design, wants to engage with the player, and has a husband the game has made the player hate. The progression points towards one thing, but the "payoff" is something very different. (Her actions might be her unattractive aspect, but they're not strong enough to make the player not want a willing sex scene with her.)

Thank you. I'll see how I can manage as android is actually keeping me out of the file location where the saves are. I'll keep this in mind for future updates.

(2 edits)

I'm coming from 0.42 and the APK is installing as a separate app rather than updating the previous one. Is that expected behavior for coming from 0.42 or is something going wrong?

Perks, particularly, hidden perks with cool/unique unlock requirements seems like a great addition, a great way to get people exploring and clicking around the game even more. Have you decided if perks will be temporary or permanent? Or if a certain perk can only be unlocked in 1 certain way vs many?

I'm sure devs won't want to have too many of the scenes they labor to create locked behind a perk's acquisition, but it would be pretty cool if at least one wor two were. Like if the give Linda enough massages, they get a 'Strong Hands' perk that opens up a scene with a completely different character.


Is rule 2 for each 3-month round or lifetime?  

Naturally, more characters are more work. Is there a character limit in a scene? 2 characters+MC?

Will the price increase with every couple of updates?   

When you purchase, is it just that 1 update?

Hey, Bread.

Who are your favorite 3 characters, but with the caveat that your decision has to be based on the content you already have out for them? No amazing future scene or planned character arcs.

Has anyone else had save files disappearing on Android? I usually save a new file after significant events and cycle through some available slots, but all but the last 2 are gone now. It's fine since it's kept the most recent, but I could see it being problematic if it's not an issue specific to me.

thought the sign in the closet was to replay scenes, but realize that might just be me mixing things up with other games. If that's not what it's for, is there another way to replay scenes?

(1 edit)

Lol at the way I was here within minutes for this.

Thanks for all your efforts on this ever-improving game!

Thanks! Because it was just the holidays and the updates mentioned being busy with family, I thought Bread was saying he was going to be busy taking care of some IRL stuff with them. Appreciate the clarification!

(3 edits)

Since it's possible to get them in the same place at the same time, any chance something can happen with Brittany and Molly? It'll be awkward for a second but once they realize they're in the same boat so they can trust each other and appreciate the other's biggest assets...

(Then many updates in the future Linda can catch all three together or, better yet, have Molly and Brittany catch Linda and MC one weekend afternoon in his room.)

"getting into family stuff again soon." How do I interpret that when discussing this game??

"This game looks interesting. Let's check the comment section."

Comment Section: *Pure and detailed Spoilers!*

Based on what you listed it looks like the vast majority of noteworthy scenes are in act 2 which actually fits the characterization of there not being anything good for a long time, depending on how long act 1 takes to complete.

Mia's color matching minigame is bugged on Android, because the lines don't trace out the path, but you can still do the paths and finish the game. (Albeit, relatively blind.) For me I knew when colors were connected when they created a random line to the bottom corner of my screen