A month after release and with hopefully few, if any, spoilers, I think putting this v.06.5 review here is okay.
v.06.5 was so good!
Cassie's story gave some real nice character and story development for Cassie and even some for character information for Brandy. In the first call I liked Brandy's drifting eyes, and for the second, I liked the dramatic irony as the two characters faced each other (figuratively and on screen) and supported each other's chance at happiness. Great setup for the future.
The Gates girls had some really long sequences of story and even an intermission/moment to save, but it makes total sense to keep a certain story element contained. (Can't have its effects splattering all over the other stories!) Most of the X.5 stories naturally have this slowly shifting balance between resistance and acceptance. With this, both Ashley and Leslie slide another notch towards acceptance, as the player would predict (and Lilith would plan), but the fun is, of course, in seeing it and seeing how it occurs. Things with Ashley could have escalated very quickly, but the story was held in check by the writer's hand, and didn't shoot its load too quickly. It gave nice character background for Ashley, great character growth for MC and Leslie, a talking to for a shared for, and Lilith getting a taste of what she's wrought. Though, Lilith quiet enjoys what she's wrought. I missed Ashley at dinner, but get it. It's random, but I also like the camera placement (on the floor?) as the first effects hit MC.
Brandy's story backs up the character background given for her in Cassie's story. Has Lilith "nudged" Brandy at all or is what we're seeing all Brandy alone? Because I don't think I've ever seen a character with a route be such a good match for the MC's interests! Their desires align so well! With MC mentioning certain things he had noticed even before his powers, it fully feels like in a different world without any supernatural interference, Brandy and MC might still join forces to bed the Gates and Mather's ladies.
I like how MC also notices how a good visual really works for Brandy. When MC says, "If you could see what I'm seeing," I almost expected him to video call her right then and make let her watch it!
Between what Ashley deduces (smart girl) and what Brandy sees two trios are heavily foreshadowed. But with Brandy's previous video call, I'm holding out some hope for all six potential MC based trios!