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A member registered Sep 25, 2023 · View creator page →

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Naww, i’m so glad!! I just submitted a post about it just now!! I’m going to be moving on to another exciting project! But i will be keeping many things from Season May. Not all of it will be lost! My characters and my stories will always stay with me… and yes, that is true! Giving the story to someone else could be a wonderful idea, and i would feel awful just giving up on it. But just like the reason i make everything on my own, i could never give my characters or stories over to someone else… it would truly be like ripping my heart out!! i’ve spent so much time alone and with only my characters to keep me alive… i could never part with them or give them to someone. they’re like my children, if you know what i mean. essential parts of my suffering, and an essential part of my identity… but as i said, when i move on to another project, all will not be forgotten… ❤️❤️

and thank you for the comment, i appreciate it!! ❤️

DEATH by Melanie Martinez

Heheh, I love you guys lol. Don't look at my ugly old vn HAHAHA XP

Hello kalemsight, the one who brought me back from the depths of Hell!! 

Thank you so very much for your amazing compliments!!! And I'm so glad you noticed all the small little details I put into the visual novel!! Sometimes I'm not sure if anyone gets them - I wasn't even sure if anyone had pressed the "detonate" button until a few months ago lol

Naww... I totally get you. I'm going through a lot of stuff too, and I'm always alone... hence why I haven't updated the visual novel in a few months... I've been trying to stay away from it and block it out of my mind because it hurts to think about... but uh, I'm about to make a post explaining everything!! So please stay tuned for that!! And thank you for even showing a tiny bit of concern for me and my art. I will forever appreciate your enthusiasm and your worry for me. I will never forget it!! <3 <3 <3

But again, stay tuned for that post!!!

Thank you LionLost!!! You are so lovely!! I'm sorry for the late reply. I so very much appreciate you making an account to comment - sometimes I forget that people play the game and don't comment, so I kind of anticipate the comments mostly. I'm just about to make a post, so please stay tuned for that!! And I'm so flattered that you think I'm a good person - I try, haha! <3 <3 <3

And don't worry, your English is just fine to me ;)

Please feel free to convey said emotions, I'd love to hear them! Sorry I'm a bit late, haha. And yes - the characters are all very uh... troubled. Not in a stereotypical trauma-dump way, but a uh... sophisticated way. I think. Hope. Lol <3 And I'm so glad it hit close to your heart, cause I ripped out mine and put it in this game lol <3

Thank you gakomi!!!! That is such high praise!! I'm so humbled by your compliment!! I'm so happy you enjoyed my art. I worked so hard on it, and it makes me smile knowing that it's one of your faves!!! <3 <3

Nawww, thank you!! My style is weeiiiirrrrdddd

Thank you for reading my visual novel!! I'm going to make a post very very soon, so please stay tuned for that!!! <3

Thank you so, so much for taking the time to read my visual novel!!! I'm so sorry if the horror aspects caught you off guard - and I hope it didn't leave a negative impact on you!! But hey... I'm glad you got a few memories out of it! That scene in the cave was extremely important to me - and one that I am very proud of writing. It's a very familiar scene in my real life, and I'm glad I was able to put it in this visual novel and show my readers what mental health can look like!! <3 <3

And thank you for the compliment!! I worked so incredibly hard on the OST... so so many hours lmao <3

Thank you so much!!! I wasn't sure if the android version worked or not, so I'm glad it did! I can't believe I even figured it out lol. And thank you for the comment!!! I appreciate it more than you know!! <3 <3

Hello, my wonderful friend Bon!!! I'm so sorry I haven't replied... I've been going through a lot as usual... and I'll explain all in a post very soon. But thank you so, so much for your wonderful compliments and comments that I keep getting. Your comments are always one of my favourites to recieve!!!

Their blood is uh, kind of like an acid I guess! But moreso just blood! Or rather a more sophisticated type of blood that's a bit more efficient than ours.

HAHAHA!! Yes, that Reuben scene was honestly really hard to write. Not only because it's so sad... but because I've clearly gone through the same thing. Sitting there, not wanting anything, thinking your life is worthless and better off being over... only for you to get up and live another day, for no reason at all. Just the will to live is enough, without reason. It's quite a powerful scene - I genuinely think it's one of the best ones I've written as most of the time when a character is sad, there'll be a solution - or some sort of quote for the protagonist to lift them up. But here... it's just nothing. And I feel like that's more realistic...

Thank you so so much for the dancing Seth!!! That made my day when I saw it... and thank you so much for all the fan art and little gifts along the way. Honestly, it's what got me through a lot of the updates. I promise my work isn't finished (unless something happens to me out of my control) - and I sincerely hope to keep you as a loving fan. 

I'm just about to make a post about a few things... please give it your attention! Of course, you've already done so much for me - I don't expect you to do any more. I honestly love you guys so much, especially you Bon!! <3 <3 <3

Hehehehe, thank you!!! I worked so hard on the soundtrack - I'm so happy you enjoyed it!! "Touch Me Lullaby" is a distorted version of a song I made back in Year 12 when I was going through a lot of mental issues. It's probably the saddest song I've ever written, and I thought putting it right before the possible suicide scene would make a lot of sense!! :3

Nawww, you guys are just so sweet!!! Thank you so much!!!

Thank you so much my friend!!! <3 <3

HAHAHA, I used that for Flatwood Drop-Outs (my first VN) and I had to keep it in. I always loved the idea of answering with "maybe" cause why tf not you know XP

Thank you so much Phamyne!! I sincerely appreciate your wonderful compliments!! I tried really hard to balance what to explain to the reader and what not to explain - I hope I did an okay job lol!! One piece of advice I would recommend would be to remind yourself of reality and what really matters - a bird's eye view, perhaps. Just know that you're one little spec on the planet with billions of other little specs bustling around - no matter what you do or what you think, the only opinion that matters is yours! And nothing anyone does will have an eternal impact, so don't worry!! you're perfect the way you are <3

Please keep an eye out for future posts, btw!! <3

That was the funniest comment I've seen a while, haha!! Made me gag. But thank you so much!!!! My pronouns are he/him btw :)
I tried really hard to balance all my elements like the madness and the comedy and emotional scenes - I'm glad you think I did a good job!! And of course, I try and stay as clear as possible from cliches. But of course I'm not perfect so there might be some idk lmao
Please keep an eye out for my future posts btw!! <3

You are just so sweet!!! I appreciate your compliments so very much. Your enthusiasm towards my work inspires me!! I'm so grateful that you took the time to even read any of it!! Thank you for being such a wonderful fan of Kalight... I couldn't ask for a better fan!!! I love you guys!! Please keep an eye out for my posts, as I'm about to make one!! I would seriously appreciate it if you kept following my art. No pressure of course!! But you guys are the reason I still make it <3

Thank you!!! Being isolated and alone for many years of your life and being stuck in your thoughts for hours does that to you! Also being open-minded and questioning everything - that helps to generate crazy and ridiculous ideas!! Thank you for this comment <3 

Thank you so much for your compliments!! Being responsible for pretty much everything in the entire visual novel was definitely a challenge - but for it to be really authentic, it has to all come from me! I work full time as well so all I did for months was just work, then go home and work on the game, get no sleep, then do it all over again lol.

 I tried really hard with the art, and put a lot of effort into the soundtrack... I'm so incredibly happy that you enjoyed it! This comment really made my day and I wish you all the happiness in the world for making me feel like I'm worth something. You don't know how much this did for me. Thank you!!! <3 <3 <3

nah, i’m really sorry for not replying to all of my comments… i’m usually very good with that! but i’ll make a post about what’s going on asap. once i discovered you thought i was dead, i knew i had to do something!! i’m so sorry to keep you guys in the dark, i’ve just been going through a lot and even reading the comments made me anxious. i’ll reply to all of them when i catch a break. again i’ll explain everything in a post, but thank you for your kind messages!! you’ll hear from me very soon :)


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Oh, I apologise if you didn't want me to ask such a question!! But I'm glad you've answered!

Hahaha, this is one of my favourite comments!! I'm so glad my visual novel's concepts have had the impact I intended!!  And I must say, you're quite observant!
As I said earlier, it's my mission to expose the reader to all of these dark and strange things in order to help desensitize them to such things, so I'm glad it's made you feel a little uncomfortable at times! 

But in all honesty, all of the things you listed as disturbing... are actually very normal to me, hence why I asked what made you uncomfortable specifically! Heck, I didn't even know I was writing horror until someone pointed it out to me. But I appreciate the effort you went through to type that out, it's really helped open my eyes to what others think as disturbing!! I hope to keep exposing you to strange and different things, if you'd like! After all, normal is boring!

(And of course, I would love to draw Neo more! He's my fursona, so I've drawn him more times in my life than anything else! You will see more of him! <3 )

Oohhh, haha! Thank you for letting me know! I'm still not very good with this sort of stuff, so I appreciate the help! <3
And yes, please give it a shot! But no pressure! It's a bit strange :)

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Thank you so much for your comment and your compliments!! I'm so very glad that it's made you uncomfortable! By constantly presenting my potential readers with uncomfortable and disturbing concepts and imagery, I aim to broaden their perspective and ability to understand and feel okay with things they otherwise wouldn't. It's kind of like presenting someone with their fears until they eventually become open or comfortable to whatever they once feared. There's no point making something if it doesn't help one grow in some way!

If you don't mind, what exactly made you feel uncomfortable in my visual novel? What made it the most uncomfortable visual novel you've read? I would love to know!
And thank you again! <3 <3 <3

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Thank you so much for your comment and helpful instructions!! I will try my best to create an android port right after I release my new update in a couple days!! Thank you for the help! I apologise that I haven't made one yet - because I'm new to android ports, I'm a bit scared to even attempt... but with your instructions, I'll give it a go and see what happens!! Thank you so much! I appreciate the effort you have gone through to help me out <3

I would love to make one, but I’m not really sure how it all works!! My apologies! It is on my to-do list, though - if I can figure it out lol ❤️

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Thank you Sydney for reading my visual novel!! I really, really appreciate the positive feedback and wonderful compliments! Absolutely everything is intentional, and I work very hard to create all the different aspects that make up Season May!

Yes!! I very much prefer the strange and unorthodox - and I've tried to make the world as alien as possible, because normal is boring!! And while it's a lot harder to design worlds and their logic from scratch, it's much more rewarding. As a writer, it's hard not to lean back into things that you already know. So, as I made Season May into a VN, I made sure to never hold back, and to design the world and its characters however I want. After all, in this story, I am God! Why wouldn't I? :)

There's a lot more to Neo than what I've written so far!! While he seems very kind and observant, you'll get to know a bit more about him and his past in future updates! Please look forward to it!! I've always been a fan of multi-faceted protagonists, so anticipate some intrigue!

No, thank you for reading it!!! <3
I hope it has brought you happiness and manifested new memories into your brain. :3

(P.S. It is symbolic of something, but you'll have to find out!!)

Thank you so much for reading my visual novel!! I’ve put a LOT of work into it, and I’m happy you’ve enjoyed it!! Yes, my apologies - my grammar may not be amazing at times, I just tend to write how I speak, if that makes sense!! It’s all very imperfect, just like me lol :)

Finally someone has mentioned the detonate button lmaooo, you’ll find out what it means in the future!! ❤️❤️

Naww, your drawings are awesome!! The one you did of Neo with the Sun Dagger was actually amazing!! To the point where I wanted to draw in that style too! The muzzle and the eyes were everything!! So don’t doubt yourself please!! It’s one of my favourite things!!

And of course you can use my sprites for fan art, I don’t mind! It’s just really flattering that someone even wants to make fan art of my work. :)

It’s okay! It’s hard to be confident when you feel like you’re not good enough… I know what that feels like all too well. But the more you try, the more likely you’ll succeed! Even if you fail at any of your endeavours, like I did for a very very long time, it’s never really a failure because you’re getting better each time! That’s what kept me at it, even when I just wanted to quit because it seemed like I could never get better.

And hey, it’s okay if you’re not comfortable with those instincts. It took me a very long time to be okay with it, you just have to embrace the innate joy in it and throw away the stigma! 

You have a wonderful Christmas too, my wonderful fan!! And thank you for engaging in my work as always. I am forever grateful!!
(P.S. Don’t throw your coal at poor Siro!! Sharpen it, infuse it with iliocide and kill him instead. Gotta show mercy!!)


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Aww, thank you!! Yeah, his colour scheme has changed throughout the years, here’s a list in chronological order for your convenience!

  • Rainbow
  • Teal and purple
  • Pink and blue
  • Grey
  • Dark green and black
  • Blotched rainbow
  • Dark blue and yellow
  • Teal and black
  • Red

The only reason I have decided to change his fur colour to red is because… I’ve changed. Neo is my fursona and I’m not the same as I used to be. Red and black are colours that I feel represent who I am now, and I also like red because it’s a bit more… masculine for him. Imo tho ❤️❤️

And yes, I also think it fits more with the aesthetic I’m going for!!

Thank you so much for deciding to read my visual novel!! And thank you for the compliment! There’s much more to come, so I hope you find the multitude of concepts in my future updates satisfying as well!! ❤️❤️

Naww, thanks man. I just released a patch with the updated sprites, but the update should be out soon! And yes, it is insane!!!!! Thank you for being interested in my stuff ❤️

hehehe, thank you! I’ve reworked all the sprites and changed colours and shiz. It’ll all be in the next update I’m working on right now!! Though I’m just about to update the existing one today, sprites only, so it’s not misleading lol

My apologies!! ❤️❤️

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yeah it was HAHAHA but I will change it now :)

(I just changed it to space black and it looks so much better)

That's one of my favourite things evveeerrrrr!!! Thank you so much for putting time and effort in to make that!! I'm sorry I didn't reply earlier, I didn't get the notification at all! And please don't feel pressured to make things for me, just the fact that you read my visual novel is enough!! But I love your fanart and stuff so much, it makes me very happy to know I have real fans like you!!! :3

Yes, I put a lot of effort into the music - especially the little cutscene I did there! It took so long to get it timed just right - but I'm so happy you appreciate it! I even use the music player myself now when I'm coding! 

Hehe, I enjoyed the cooking part! I just thought something nice and calming was appropriate before the storm that was the endomycha. HAHA, I did think about 50 shades actually in that joke. But I haven't watched it cause I'm gay.

HAHAHA, I see you've looked into the files to find that I called it a demented shark lol. It's so fuckin' gross but that's what aesthetic the Black Colony is going for! Horror and intimidation!!

Yessss... I'm still trying to get better at drawing, but I very much enjoyed drawing gay furry p***! I think the one of Lucifer was probably my best!! That whole thing with the endomycha was kind of a reflection of myself and how during my darkest times, my um, primal instincts have always been there to save me. Most of the time, anyway. And I think it's something people don't talk about enough considering it's completely normal and literally the main thing we're put on the planet to do/feel.

Thank you for that Touch Me Lullaby scene... that was really powerful, and very sad. I'm sorry that the stuff I've made has caused you to create such sad imagery. But you've done such an amazing job at capturing the essence of the song and its sadness... the lullaby itself is only a small snippet on loop of the original song, but... I felt it necessary to just keep it on a constant loop to ensure the reader feels uneasy and disoriented. To me, the song symbolises the last thing you hear before death - which is why I gave the option for you to choose to die while the song fades out and the game exits. I've been in that place myself so many times, so it's cathartic to be able to experience it in game.

Yes, Siro can go fuck himself. Don't worry we'll get to him and The Farm eventually!! Unfortunately, sometimes, when some Kalightians are grown, they come out as assholes who need to be put back in the ground :)
And thanks for the spelling error check!! I knew I would forget something!!

Again, thank you so much Bon! I'm sorry for the long message, but I had to reply to your entire comment! I look forward to them very much. But no pressure!! I'm currently working on the next update right now, and let me tell you, things are intense!! There's drama, tense situations, violence, crime and even more sexual stuff to come!! It's honestly one of the most jam-packed updates ever - and I've reworked every sprite! Please look forward to it!! 
Thank you so much again <3 <3 <3

nah he all G y’all 🩸🩸🩸

Cause I love blood lololol 🩸🩸🩸
Neo has always been my fursona and that’s always been one of his weird quirks :)

Hehehe, I also gave them real names and they’re in chronological order (I think) :)