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Kie Ra

A member registered Apr 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Hi! Hi! I love the story of Blooming Panic, soooooo, much! The routes, the characters! Bby salo and June uwu. Gosh it was just perfection!!!

Though, I do have a question if you don't mind me asking qwq, how do I get to read the epilogues or are they not readable? Or maybe, I have to complete the good endings and the bad endings as well??? Idk, maybe I'm just dumb or smth. Cuz when I press the names in the epilogue, they're blank... is my laptop just dumb? XD (wait... are the epilogues the endings?? sjskhhsdjgdg) im really dumb, haha........

And thank you so so much for sharing this game with us lonely and single peps! <3 Love you!!! <3

(1 edit)

I am absolutely in love with this game sooooooo bad, I've never been so drawn to a Visual Novel like this in ages! And your team's artstyle the story and everything is impeccable and gorgeous!! (I think I'm fangirling to much)

But what I really love is the little details in every background. Like that "kick me" paper that's stuck on one of the seats in the bridge, the save names like, "Over the emo rainbow" I love this save line tbh, I mean Vexx is life for me and my sorry ass here... And I really really can't wait for future updates on this game!! I hope you and your team is doing well on it, and on your health! Can't wait to see chapter 6's release!


Out of topic here, but my birthday's coming up soon and I surely can't wait for it at all. I'm not being pushy, but is it alright if I could consider  chapter 6 a gift for my birthday? I mean as stupid as it sounds, I'd like to ask for your team's  permission. I hope it's alright. :3

Real sus :^