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A member registered Nov 27, 2021 · View creator page →

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Personally, I never bought any of the skins. I wasn't a fan of missing out on them, since they did look nice, but it's a simple concept of me not wanting to spend extra money.

That being said, I completely understand why you were doing it. What I don't understand is why people were upset about them. It could be said that releasing exclusive content before the game is completed seems like it's a money-grab, but clearly it's not. You are providing us with continuous updates, you clearly listen to the community, and the skins did not change the game mechanics or story at all.

It's obvious that the skins were a way to raise funds to keep developing the game. The fans who want to support you and could afford doing so would get rewarded for it. The people who couldn't afford it wouldn't get anything.  It's as simple as that. Some people are either just entitled or sensitive and can't comprehend the concept of  investing into something and getting rewarded.

Please don't take this matter to heart RNGeusEX. We love you and the game!

Using AI to generate scenery not only discredits all of the hard work the artists have put into the game, but also contributes to the growing problem of people using AI that was trained off of other artists to generate art. It's all so shady and overall ruins the culture. Let's keep supporting the artists and developers our very best!

I wish you the best of luck with this project! Personally I think it's been fun and enjoyable, but if you're not satisfied with your work you should pursue what you think is best. I can't wait to see how it'll turn out! Take as much time as you need and don't let yourself get burnt out, take care of yourself Kamuo!

An update for everyone curious: 0.35 was released on December 2021. If you visit their Patreon, you will see that they are still working on it and posting progress updates. Do not lose hope, perfection takes time!

This looks great! I'm really excited for future content, keep up the amazing work! Stay safe!!