Mpreg is probably likely but I'm ngl in the early stages Arthur tells the MC he's infertile so he can't make other people pregnant same with any other male/female/nonbinary MC with a cock. There's still a chance to get pregnancy later on for MC though.
Recent community posts
1.Go into device settings -> Apps and Notifications -> Special app access -> Scroll down until you see install unknown apps -> Click on chrome -> Click on allow from this source ||
2. Click on the 3 dots in the top right corner of your screen -> Scroll down to settings-> Scroll down to site settings -> Scroll down to automatic downloads -> Turn it on ask first || i messed up its not pop up and redirects its automatic downloads make sure you keep pop ups on blocked.
I see some people are having the same problem as me with the apk downloading but not installing. To install go to an app called Google files and search through downloads. Once you find the pride drawing apk file, click on it and it should say installing at the bottom. The process of installing will take a bit, depending on your data/wifi speed (I think I'm not fully sure)