I use scratch and consider myself pretty good at it. You wanna team up?
innactive boi
A member registered Nov 29, 2020 · View creator page →
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KARLSON community · Created a new topic You should make the logo milk with a big fat K on it. Also, why cant I trust Billy?
At the end of the trailer, it fakes you to make you think it ended. But if you stay on that page for just a few seconds longer, the trailer flashes these words on a TV screen.
D o n ' t
T r u s t
B i l l y
I must know why? Is he evil or something. I wish I had'nt seen that because now Im wondering if at the end billy's just going to steal you milk and drink it.
Who knows? Maybe he becomes Mega Milk Billy. He had metal bones so imagine how strong they are now?