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A member registered Jan 23, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks for your feedback, really glad you found the game intuitive too, something you don't hear often and glad you had fun!

Thanks so much for your feedback and I really appreciate it!

Definitely will be exploring more on this and keeping things alive, I really enjoyed creating it and great to hear you had a fun experience!

Hey, I ran out of time but this is based off the game lemmings. Rather then clicking on each lemming, you use the big guy to do actions for the minions. He can only dig through the walls as I ran out of time to do anything else really.

Hey all,

I'm Guy but normally go by Kimpo. I've been on here for a while but never really posted a heap. So thought I'd introduce myself and share what I do.

Been playing around with game development for a while now using game make and really enjoy it. I've made a couple of games, one is only on steam, a platformer which I'll add to Itch soon and the other I'm currently working on is a retro styled FPS. You can view the page here which I also have a demo, and it's definitely a good featured demo, just if you like the game style!

Otherwise I love game dev, also have a few assets on my page too.

Hope you enjoy what I've got and look forward to hearing from everyone!

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I've been working on a retro fps for the past year and I've had a demo out for a while but not heaps of interaction, so thought I'd put a community post up to see if it attracts much attention. I've also just done a major update too with a heap more content and would love for people that are interested to give it a crack!

Some key features:

  • 6 stages with 6 different bosses
  • 5 levels a stage
  • Over 15 weapons including spoon and forks, apple 🍏 blaster, carrot 🥕 gun and mushroom launcher (like a rocket launcher)
  • Different enemies throughout every stage
  • A few other different elements of gameplay too

Anyway, hers a link to the page and a few images shared below!

Veg out Crew The FPS

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Heya, awesome to hear and appreciate the effort.

I might try get this going over the weekend and see how I go. Really cool and if seems to work all good, might be able to use as a template for a game I've been doing in GM1.4. fingers crossed!


ahh awesome! That'd be rad if you can help too! But yes, I see some walls and not others... Haven't tried to debug much ATM though. I also don't see the guns really but can see the bullets... Weird stuff ha!

Hi there,

I've gone and imported this into the latest GMS2 however, there's heaps of issues with rendering and the weapon doesn't show.

Are you able to have a look / see what the issue looks to be? I'd love to pick this up and start looking at this for GMS2. I'm playing around heaps of GM1.4 but would love to get onto GMS2 for making my own FPS.

Kind regards,


Heya all,

Pretty stoked to be part of the game jam! This is my first game jam and not to sure what to expect out of it other then have some fun, get to know and learn more about game development and get amongst a rad community!

I'll be using Game Maker, as that's something I'm familiar with and hopefully what ever I do, I can finish it! 

Good luck to everyone though, looking forward to playing some cool games and seeing everyones creations!


Ahh yes, I think your right, I got a little confused and thought it would be announced a day before. Thanks for the clarification!

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Wondering when theme will be announced? I was reading / thought it was going to be announced at 6am (I'm Aus time)... But don't seem to see any video running at this time.

Any news around this would be greatly appreciated.

I'm probably jumping the gun a bit... But just wanting to know early so I can put my ideas to paper :)

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HeYa all,

I had worked on this game a while back and never got around to finishing it. It's a shoot em up arcade game, small but fun!


It's one of those game that you can boot up on your lunch break or when you've got 5 minutes to spare.

It has 3 stages, space, under water, land and it has 3 levels per stage. 9 bosses all up with 3 different types of weapons and 2 different missile systems (Though these are technically the same, but a big and small missile).

It's retro, old school and a good little laugh and fun!

Hope someone enjoys it and happy unique gaming!

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Heya all,

I've had a game that I created several years ago however never ended up finishing it. Though now I thought ahh I need to at least get it off my chest and publish it at the least, so I've gone ahead and done so. It's not massive or anything but taken me ages to know how to do a lot of the work and understand how making a game from art to programming, music and a lot of other things work together.

So I thought I'd add this post as I received an email about reaching out to the community which I thought was great and good to receive some feedback and hopefully even motivate me to start working on this project again and possibly make more updates to it.

Link below to my page:


It's a SHMUP (Shoot em up) game, pretty simple and fun.

You choose between 2 different ships. The blue ship a little slower but stronger. Then green ship a little faster but weaker.

3 different bullet systems, blue, red and purple colours and all slightly different systems.

It has 9 levels and a boss at every level.

It's short game play enables an easy boot up, have a shoot, close it down.

Hopefully someone has a bit of fun with it or finds it to be that lunch time break they need.

Happy being Unique!