Do you potentially have a save file I could use? My last computer kind of died and corrupted the last version of the game so it's unusable so if you do have one and could share it with me and also tell me where to put it in the files I would really appreciate that. Also I don't know if it's something with my computer but for some reason it plays sound effects but not any music
Recent community posts
1. is there a way you can access the city of everbright? i tried even using the 40 debug to make the game be in its completed state but its still blocked off
2. is there a effective way to kill the final boss? i read the guide and get the idea behind it but its impossible to see whether or not the shield on the target is down or not unless youre at the very edge of the arena facing it. im also not sure where im supposed to throw items at it like if its in a specific spot or i just have to hit the throw button anywhere once the shields down
Maybe I'm being really stupid but how do you get to the suburbs / neighborhood area like where your house is too? At first I thought it was from progressing the story but even when I find the girls bag I can't give it to the crying girl. Do I possibly have to move the crates out of the way in the starting area? Cuz I've walked all over and I can't seem to figure out how to do that.