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A member registered Aug 09, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hey! just tried to play this.
The controls were really confusing. I actually couldn't figure out how my hand was supposed to rest on the keyboard in order to walk properly. I ended up just using the mouse to look and pressing Z to move forward.
I also tried to make food, but left click didn't seem to interact with anything nor did the e key when looking at things. Am I missing something?
It was a shame, because I can tell there's a lot of personality in this game! I'll give it a try again once there's a patch or if you reply with what I did wrong while playing. 

absolutely! Let me know when your game comes out, I’d love to play it!

Is this game actually online multiplayer?

This is a super creative game! I love the style and the music was fantastic

I find it funny that I can bake cookies with nothing but 10 scoops of flour, and that I can also make a batch of cookies with literally nothing in the bowl lol fun game

I've been looking forward to this game since I never played your first version. It's a really cool mechanic! I think there's some iffy points where my apples burst on tiny twigs coming off of branches what I feel like shouldn't, or the many times where I hit the apple on the bird and it came down but didn't add to my apple total. Besides that, the game is fun and thematic.

definitely suitably strange. I have a bad habit of exploiting Ty's movement controller by running through walls whenever I get stuck and I tend to break stuff. there were a few times where I got lost in the maze of map geometry and went through a few walls so the pacing may have been messed up, but I ended up dying because I didn't know where to go at the end. Apart from that, the hammer-like enemies seem to just dart to my location when they're in range and they didn't seem to be a threat. It's impressive that they stick to the area they spawn in though! Overall I felt very immersed in the world you created and  might come back to it later to see what I missed. Good job!

The game is really creative! I think the change to add force commands was really good for smooth movements. If you wan to make the movement faster, you should just be able to increase the add force value and it should work. the background is really simple, but I like it. It added something to look at even if the trees are just blobs.
 Well done!

The claw game has been refined such that I now have a desire to get all of the things. I think easy mode is a superior way to play in terms of fun, and the celebration when I actually get one makes me feel alive. Nicely done

Unfortunately, your game will always be cursed to be exploited by my amazing walking-through-walls jutsu. The style is great! the platforming is pretty tough and I got to the blue wall gem before I didn't know what to do. walking into it or clicking it didn't seem to do anything, but I did also walk through every wall I found so maybe I messed it up. Good work!

making a multiplayer game was a refreshing change of pace for this project and I think you really pulled it off! I like the gameplay and the competitive spirit makes any video game experience significantly better. If you were to improve on it, I would recommend making the 2nd player fire button not require the use of the num pad (as if you have num lock disabled, the player doesn't know which button to use) and I would also suggest increasing the screen size to full screen, as it harder to play on a smaller window between two people with split screen. Well done!
also, you should make your logo a tiling texture to spice up the background on your page!

(1 edit)

The style and worldbuilding of your game is definitely present in the finished version of your game, it just needs some polish and bug fixing with the help of a chad god tier trickster speedrunner such as myself. Well done

Yeah I gotcha.
It's way out of the way and super difficult to find in unity, so I don't blame you for not being able to find it.
In unity, go to
File > Build Settings > Player Settings (the small button in the corner)
A new window pops up in your project settings, and there's a window with rectangular buttons and arrows with Icon, Resolution and Presentation, Splash Image, and Other settings. 
from there go to Resolution and Presentation and thats where you find fullscreen options.
This works, but if you have a first person game without an easy way to close the game (like hitting esc or something) you might be better off setting it to windowed and making the resolution something comfortable like 1920X1080. Hope this helps.

(1 edit)

Cool game! the install still doesn't work on the app and I think it's cuz theres some kind of manifest file itch needs and I have no experience with it.
I can download it off the website though, so I got to play it. I remember seeing the unity tutorial that these assets came from, I really like them. I can't remember though, did you actually have to allocate animations with the code and enemy AI or was it all put together already? Either way, super fun. keep it up.

I can't seem to install the game. maybe you need to set it as a windows executable in the publishing window?

(2 edits)

cool game, and while the execution was a bit primitive, the concept was really cool. the movement speed is way too high though so platforming is really difficult. All of my deaths were nearly instant from flailing rapidly to get out of the water that drains my health at 30hp/s or from the strange fall damage mechanic that sometimes instantly killed me from colliding with things wrong or falling from heights slightly above my jump height. Overall, the game is pretty good and I'd love to see more.
I realized a bit after I wrote this what the movement speed problem might be. I took a look at the source code and I think I got it. Your Move() function is under the Update() function, which runs every frame. The problem is, Update() runs considerably more often if you're playing on a faster pc so when I tried it I ran super fast. I believe if you change your update function to a FixedUpdate() function it will fix the problem. 

I like the idea! with some more nuance I think this could be a really fun thing to experiment and find all of the endings for.
I noticed that I was able to preform what I've coined the "Mav exam rent skip tech" by playing games one day before the exam. When I use that option, I'm guessing you accidentally incremented the "day" variable on both the description passage and the result passage meaning every time I select that option, 2 days pass instead of 1. because of this, the check at the hub passage never reaches the specific day of the exam so I skip past it and get to live rent free and exam free forever!