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A member registered Mar 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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So... Let me get this straight. You force people to buy your game by locking 90% of all the android girls you put there. There's no visual warning to say "hey, if you want this, give me money", it's just there to be clicked and drag the player to your page.
Out of spite, I REFUSE to pay for the "unlocked" version. Cope.

I did not expect a porn game to have a well ballanced amount of jokes... Kinda liked it, gave me some proper laughs

If this isn't porn then it's worthless. The original game was horrible, this could have been the saving grace, but no. It isn't.

Here's the thing: if you can't fix the free version, why should I even bother buying it here?

I would love to, I'm gonna look for it now

I wasn't expecting the game to be like THIS at this point.
And, if there's something that I loved, was that song in the begining. Can I download it? I loved the melody of it...