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A member registered Jul 11, 2017 · View creator page →

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That boy is AGGRESSIVE! Loved everything leading up to the point where it hunts you down because I consistently kept getting hunted down haha definitely wanna come back and play!

Great Work!

From the very beginning, she started slipping up! Who do you think you're fooling, Darcy?! Had tremendous fun playing, although I couldn't help but recite the incantation haha

Great Work!

This frickin guy kept me on my toes! Love the amount of objectives I need to complete while panicking around every corner haha

Great Work!

Poor doggos being ripped apart aaahhhh and I'm stuck on if I should go or stay! The teaser was fantastic, and I wouldn't expect anything less considering your other developments! Keep on bringing these classics to life!

Great Work!

I fired up the game and they warned me! But did I listen? hahaha noopeeee! The story is cohesive, and that's a super plus right off the bat. Most indie horror games take place in one setting, maybe two, but typically in a single playable mode. NOT THIS GAME! I love how we're basically taken on an adventure, experiencing all kinds of different activities as the player! Def enthusiastic to check out your latest game!

I thought I was on the fast track to move up within the organization hahaha ohh boy was I wrong! I love the low-poly grittiness the game has, very reminiscent of The Other Side. Having to figure out and operate the equipment has a certain amount of a satisfaction factor, it's soo enjoyable! Not to mention, your games are easily a gateway for deep lore. It'd be fantastic if each game could connect in some way!

Great Work!

The last thing I want is to be skinned alive hahaha but I was cornered and had to accept my fate! The experience was very fluid with a nice touch of classic horror elements. Not once did it feel janky lol truly enjoyed it from start to finish!

Great Work!

All I wanted was some smooches hahaha but ended up walking away with way more than I bargained for! Now I'm partly responsible for such a tragic catastrophe that was released upon the world. At least I got the smooches I wanted so bad lol From start to finish, the game was immersive and I loved it!

Great Work!

All I wanted was some smooches hahaha but ended up walking away with way more than I bargained for! Now I'm partly responsible for such a tragic catastrophe that was released upon the world. At least I got the smooches I wanted so bad lol From start to finish, the game was immersive and I loved it!

Great Work!

Seeing signs of life made me hopeful at first hahaha but that quickly dissipated once I realized. The strange sightings, the noises, and uncanny 'survivors' had me all sorts of regretful. If only my birdie bird friend could've helped me!

Great Work!

All I wanted to do was land a sick trick and possibly get famous hahaha but I don't think that's gonna happen now! This demo version of the game was fantastic, with an extra layer of unsettling creepiness on top. Definitely got my eyes set on playing the full release!

Great Work!

I guess that's what I get for trying to help somebody hahaha if I see an old man at a park late night again, NOT HAPPENING! I never would've thought chocolate and human flesh pair soo well together!

Great Work!

I've been cleaning for you for how long? And this nonsense is occurring now!? hahaha I guess whatever it takes to pay the bills, but I hope you don't mind that I used the trusty ol' mop to clean your carpet. Ok bye!

Great Work!

You'd think I'd be more prepared given the situation hahaha but I guess not! I love how you're thrown right into the sh*t show as soon as you begin! It really gets the panic flooding in as you scramble through the phone's menu. The options for additional information is also a nice touch. It makes the experience seem not so simplistic, and it's also a possible game-ender because you're WASTING TIME!

Amazing Work!

I should be out seeking help hahah but instead I'm staring at ya darn hole in the ground! The spooks were good, def made me jump and sprout some goosebumps. Even jumped at some things that I probably shouldn't have! But that's what we're here for, a good frickin scare!

Great Work!

Bringing a classic to life rightfully earned you a new follower! Just the fact the game is based on a horror classic alone is exciting, but the actual experience made it worthwhile! I've played other 'horror movie inspired' games, and they were close to a solid recreation, but this tremendously sets itself apart!

Fantastic Work!

That $150 better have been worth it hahaha because being exposed to Steve the Streaker was not! The beginning was a nice, spooky set up for what you're about to get yourself into. Although the initial introduction to Steve was unsettling, afterwards he was kinda hilarious to be around. His random laughs and sounds made for a great addition to my video. Thank you, Steve! Also, looking forward to LUCAS when it's complete!

Great Work!

Of all the things I need to do hahaha going into the attic is NOT one of them! But of course, you forced me to do it anyway. I had a decent experience while playing your game. The visuals look good, a bit of story to go with it, so it doesn't feel hollow. Only thing missing was a legit jumper to top off all the suspenseful buildup. But as it stands, it still is spooky!

Great Work!

Normally I'd open these reviews up with a cheesy, funny remark, but hands down I had a frickin blast playing your game! The concept alone drew me in, but the experience absolutely held me in. before getting through the first layer, I was mentioning in the video that I wished something would give me a sense of dread to push it even further. Then it happened XD

Amazing Work!

I'm just trying to do what my momma tells me hahaha but of course that's not the case! Obviously, I'm playing a horror game, so at every corner I'm expecting the worst. And with the multiple objectives, that's a lot of frickin corners! But no matter how much of a good boy I am, there's no hiding from what's to come. I noticed a similar look, and possible reuse of assets and SFX from your other games. My only suggestion Dev, is try to make each game unique in its own way, and not seem like another variation of a previous game.

Good Work!

All I needed was to get more munchies hahaha but instead I became the MUNCHY! Totally not what I expected when I loaded up this game. I imagined some sort of entity would be hassling me after I got back from the store. A surprising turn for the better in my opinion. I would only suggest spending more time texturizing the assets and filling out the environment, and refining the sound design. The game itself is designed well, only the visuals need work.

Good Work!

Already did, like a year ago haha awesome game as well!

How could I do such a thing!?!? Hahaha now I'm tormented forever opening this damn door! First of all, I loved the theme, the colors - you know exactly what you're getting yourself into. I only wish there was more information given to the player. Some sort of semblance of a story to connect to while playing. But the game design was awesome and well done!

Good Work!

Ohhh my dear boy John hahaha WHAT DID YOU DO??? This game absolutely needs to be finished! The nuances of odd things happening throughout the gameplay had me at the edge of my seat. Sure, there are some adjustments that need to be made to totally solidify the experience. But by the end, I was invested in the story and the characters. I would love to see more!

Great Work!

The name of the game is Remember hahaha but why can't I frickin REMEMBER!!! This was such a thrill of an experience. It's obviously straightforward in nature, but such a darn enjoyment. And I'm literally in the midst of a Corridor Digital binge anyway, so this is especially gooood!

Great Work!

The pure innocence of making a home-cooked meal hahaha has been flipped right on its head! I actually enjoyed myself very much while playing the game. I love how everything ties in together as you make your way from point A to point B. you're not left wandering aimlessly around. But I guess this goes to show the extent some will go to survive! (insert evil laugh)

Great Work!

All I wanna do is solve this gosh darn case hahaha but my mind is slowly slipping away from me! Like many have said, the nostalgic style of the game is a breath of fresh air. As soon as I started playing, soo many memories of the awesome experiences I had started to flood in. This game was put together very well! I only feel that the dire situation and amount of info doesn't really fit as a short game. It should be longer and dive so much deeper!

Great Work!

All I wanna do is solve this gosh darn case hahaha but my mind is slowly slipping away from me! Like many have said, the nostalgic style of the game is a breath of fresh air. As soon as I started playing, soo many memories of the awesome experiences I had started to flood in. This game was put together very well! I only feel that the dire situation and amount of info doesn't really fit as a short game. It should be longer and dive so much deeper!

Great Work!

I don't think I've ever really felt sad after playing a short horror before hahaha and I don't think I very much like it! But the game I enjoyed, and I definitely appreciate the messaging at the end. Typically, you'd play the victim, or just the person experiencing some weird phenomenon. But at the end of this, I concluded that I must be a POS! The only thing I wish there were more of are some hard hitting spooks. Something to really knock you outta your chair!

Good Work!

After a hard-day's shopping, I just wanna get home hahaha but obviously something doesn't want me to do that! This is one of those games where you can't knock it until you play it. Sure, by visual alone, you could write this off as a meh-game. But man oh man, you'd be wrong! This game was a thrill every step of the way!

Great Work!

All I wanted was a harmless glass of water hahaha now this is something that ill have to think twice about before getting outta bed! The creepy atmosphere was definitely on point. Every time I had to rush to turn something off, my panic meter was filling ever so quickly! I only wish there were more 'in your face' type of spooks. But a chilling experience nonetheless!

Great Work!

When I hear a break in, I'm expecting to find some crazy person scouring through my stuff hahaha but not this frickin beast! This is far from an underwhelming experience. There are a lot of nice touches to keep the sinister mood flowing. I'm sure we've all played other short horrors on itch that perform to a much lesser degree. I truly had an awesome experience, Dev!

Great Work!

Usually I'm happy to make friends with anybody hahaha but this one of them situations where it's an absolute HELL NO! And even  after that, he's still gonna come kick down my door. The mechanics of this game and how everything flowed together made for a pretty fun experience. I also really loved how the info about the creepy man was delivered! Appreciate the rhyme, even if you have 5 minutes of time haha

Great Work!

It isn't enough to be just outright SPOOKED haha you have to incorporate something creepy around every corner! And I can appreciate that! Like most have said, this is an outstanding game. Every element that you would want from a short horror is presented in an awesome way! I applaud you Dev!

Fantastic Work!

I just wanna get home get, so I can kick back and relax hahaha I don't wanna be your next victim! But sadly to say I was, like many that came before me. I love the feel of the game and how the tension progressively got worse as I continued playing. I only wish the ending wasn't so drawn out and slow, and more right in your face with the jumpscare. If that was fixed, this would've easily been an all-round solid short horror!

Good Work!

Comedic he seems but horrific HE IS hahaha at times I didn't know whether to laugh along or bite my tongue and keep my mouth shut! I didn't know much about PCM, so this game definitely acts as a nice introduction to the colorful man himself.

Great Work!

I swear he was frickin messing with me the whole time hahaha he could've grabbed me up whenever he wanted to! I absolutely love the setting and ambiance of the teaser. A classic horror experience instilled in a short duration of gameplay. No doubt about a full release being even better!

Great Work!

I was sooo frickin optimistic in the beginning hahaha but you quickly took that away from me, didn't ya dev? I've never experienced playing in a wheelchair when it comes to indie games, only AAA games, more or less. So that was a nice touch compared to other indie horrors. But don't ask me why I had to just stop and stare off into the darkness haha just don't!

Great Work!