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A member registered Jul 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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I loved it. I literally had the PERFECT specimen (FIVE traits, not including the tusk) and was planning on curating a society that mainly consisted of that specimen, but I sadly beat the game and it doesn't let you continue playing after all goals are complete :(

Reached the age of 42 with 213 children total and was like, "Nah, time to die"

You'll never believe what kind of cryptid i found

OH MY STARS! THIS IS AMAZING! Aw man, I wish I could summon him, he's such an amazing elder god. Great game!

This game is so amazing! I have the strong urge to write a short fanfiction about it

It goes past the border and doesn't allow the user to see the entire screen, only a portion of it in the web version

Wow, this cleaned itself up!

I remember when this was in planning stages, fantastic job!


I got the pink slip because the cat got in the office

i didn't know he could bypass the door stage

When i input the code nothing happens

and Golden scratch cat killed me before the night could end

But first playthrough, AMAZING

I got jumpscared on night 2 by him on my first play through

and Gobo had been right at the door!

Woo! 49

What do i do

i got number23 for some reason, why?

what do the bananas do

Haha, I love this game

One playthrough I just stayed on the shelf and the toys absolutely murdered each other, it was HILARIOUS!

How many endings are there?

OOh i can't wait for when more things can be done with it ;)

Ohhhhhhhh makes sense

I can't interact with anything! I press E when i'm near an object, but nothing happens! Please Help!

(1 edit)

Endings i got So far:

"Good" ending

Escape ending

True ending (Aww, how cute!)

There's treelogy

t gets stuck at "Ugh... It's almost time for work again..."

Love the music though

Oh wow, when i clicked it i thought it said "Nobodys Perfect" XD

Auto-fill-in can be annoying at times!

how i place products

What does the first shape look like? I'm stuck

oh okee

I have only tried to save it twice because it's super annoying to do it all over again.

But I tried to save after the love scene, and after trying to beat Marline but losing.

Browser, when i tried to save the game

Error: Failed to read the 'localStorage' property from 'Windows': Access is denied for this document.

Because of this i will have to restart.

It wouldn't post with the picture

Where's return?

how i get more powers?

how i turn the thing?

What button i press to feed her?

Need ideas, have ideas you don't think you'll ever use? Post em here!

Want a suggestion from anybody? Want to give a suggestion to anybody? Post em here!

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it doesn't work pretty sure this is pc version 

Ah ok

how i help in garden?