Hello, I'm a C.S major whose been coding for a while now, recently I completed some work as a fullstack dev working primarily in GOLANG. I have experience in game maker, solar 2d, and unity. 2d games in unity is where I'd primarily like to focus my attention. Although text adventures are also an area of interest and I'm comfortable with inform and Hugo, Hugo being preferred due to its inherent extensibility. I only have one course this semester and would like to find a team to do game jams with and work on small hobby projects to improve my c# skills. My sprite skills are pretty weak and that has been one of things that demotivates me. So, someone with solid sprite skills (not necessarily masterpieces but, can make good 8-bit+ or atari sprites and animations) would be awesome to work with. Reply to this post or dm me on discord KIR3JI#8071 if your interested. I understand game dev and level design fundamentals, because I've been studying it a while, but I'm happy to be a code monkey as well if the project is interesting.
A member registered Apr 01, 2020
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itch.io Community » Game Development » Help Wanted or Offered · Created a new topic Programmer Looking For Sprite Artists and Other Devs For Hobby Projects
itch.io Community » Game Development » Help Wanted or Offered · Posted in [Unity] [UnrealEngine] [Progrrammer]New dev trying to make friends and join a team
Hi, I'm a c.s major though I've been programming for a while now, and I have interned as a fullstack dev. I took the time to learn some unity for 2d development. But my art skills at the moment are pretty weak. I only have one course this semester due to my class being dropped so, I've been looking to work with others. I sent you a friend request on discord.