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A member registered Aug 07, 2021

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(1 edit)

Loved it so far. Great characters, amazing visuals and really, really nice job on the UI aspect of the game. I'll be awaiting for new updates :)

PS: You should use the duel mechanic outside of competition, in events against monsters or other wizards. Could also introduce items in the Dale Shop (gifts, spell booster, quest items, minigame items, etc). Minigames are a bit repetitive imo but i guess it is a gold grind and there aint much need for gold in this version yet anyway. 

Keep up the good work, ya'll in the right track. 

I mean... The title of the game clearly states its about androgyny...

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The intro was quite enjoyable, curious to see where you take this game :D

Only more reason to praise then. Keep with the great work :)

That was an amazing experience. Props for you guys, really top notch work. 
The game has a really nice plot and great relatable characters, laughed, cried, felt happy and sometimes sad so it was really a unique rollercoaster.
Also,  great selection on your OST, some songs really push the mood in certain scenes. Im curious to see where you take the story in the next chapters.

Top notch AVN. Hope the second part of the story will be as good or better as the first one. Props to the 395 team. 

Best HP based AVN out there.
Been following your progress probably since ver 0.4 or 0.5 now. 
If i may ask, when are u planning to release the free 0.7 ver? Final version?

Continue the great work :) 

This is such a great AVN... Everything from the plot, to the characters, soundtrack, the insanely good 3d animations, etc... Amazing work. 
Dont know what your objectives are with this project but i think you'd get some pretty good scores on a platform like Steam. This easily tops most of the 3D AVN's there.