On the latest version of the game, I seem to get this error on joiplay that makes the game crash on launch:
Wed Nov 13 19:43:47 2024
Unknown platform.
Bootstrap to the start of init.init took 0.00s
Bootstrap to the start of init.init took 0.00s
Manufacturer HUAWEI model NCO-LX1
Screen diagonal is 5.219434835305448 inches.
Early init took 0.06s
Early init took 0.06s
Android search paths: /storage/emulated/0/Joiplay/goddessess-whim-win/Goddesses'_Whim-0.3.9v2-pc/game /data/data/cyou.joiplay.renpy/files/private/game /storage/emulated/0/Joiplay/goddessess-whim-win/Goddesses'_Whim-0.3.9v2-pc/extras
Loaded 6 patches
Loader init took 0.13s
Loader init took 0.13s
Loading error handling took 0.19s
Loading error handling took 0.19s
Full traceback:
File "renpy/bootstrap.py", line 277, in bootstrap
File "renpy/main.py", line 492, in main
File "renpy/script.py", line 297, in load_script
File "renpy/script.py", line 801, in load_appropriate_file
Exception: Could not load file /storage/emulated/0/Joiplay/goddessess-whim-win/Goddesses'_Whim-0.3.9v2-pc/game/Xmas_event.rpyc.
While running game code:
Exception: Could not load file /storage/emulated/0/Joiplay/goddessess-whim-win/Goddesses'_Whim-0.3.9v2-pc/game/Xmas_event.rpyc.
I have confirmed that the file Xmas_event.rpyc exists and that the same files run just fine on my pc.