Hello, goodnight! I am Azazel from ''Kisuko Project'', a small fan translation and dubbing team that started recently. We would like to know if you have contact info where we could reach you out to talk about a possible Brazilian Portuguese dub and translation to ''Kimochii Classroom''. It would be a project carried out by me and a close friend, completely free of charge, with the sole purpose of localizing the game so that more people can enjoy it ^^
Thank you for your time!
Kisuko Project
A member registered 71 days ago · View creator page →
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Hello, goodnight! I am Azazel from ''Kisuko Project'', a small fan translation and dubbing team that started recently. We would like to know if you have contact info where we could reach you out to talk about a possible Brazilian Portuguese adaptation to ''Stop Burying Me Alive Beautiful".
Thank you for your time!
Velvet Bite: Softly, with Teeth [DEMO] comments · Posted in Velvet Bite: Softly, with Teeth [DEMO] comments
Hello, goodnight! I am Azazel from ''Kisuko Project'', a small fan translation and dubbing team that started recently. We would like to know if you have contact info where we could reach you out to talk about a possible Brazilian Portuguese dub and translation to ''Velvet Bite''.
Thank you for your time!