Wait, seriously? Out of everything, school uniforms are a problem? That's so random!
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I tried everything I could think of... never made it to 100 steps left. So, I decided to get as many as I could by waiting. Started with 99 dice, got lucky with the rolls and landed on a bunch of dice refills and coasted along without much worry. Then I hit 85 steps away and my luck turned uglier than the death by pillar scene, I rolled low numbers often and frequently got stuck between kill zones. Ironically that's the only time I rolled high numbers after 85. Didn't matter since the higher roll still would have landed me in a trap. I spent about 5 dice on average trying to get out. Low numbers meant death; high numbers meant death, 4 and 3 seemed to be the magic numbers, but 1,2.5 and 6 were the order of the day. I ran out of dice at 37 steps left. By far my best run and something I haven't been able to replicate.