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Benjamin Flagg

A member registered Feb 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for checking out the game, and for your comment! We are working on bug fixes and some minor tweaks atm (as schedules and time allow!), and hope to get the game updated soon, so please feel free to check it out again sometime in the future if you are interested!

Thanks again :)

-Benjamin, and the rest of the Extendables Team

oof. Wtf is that shitty ass comment

(4 edits)

Hi there, DRMIX!

     I'm Benjamin, one of the designers/devs on this game.

     Thank you for playing our game and sharing/uploading this!

     As recent Game Design graduates, it feels a bit surreal to watch a "Let's Play" of our project, even though we are used to playtests lol. We really appreciate you checking out our game, and giving it a go!
     Our team created this game while students at Full Sail University in the span of just under 4 months, and are working on fixing a lot of issues with bugs and polish, but are really proud of it, flaws and all.
     Your commentary was great, very entertaining, and also gave us some great feedback, even in this quick playthrough, on some things we can fix and adjust. Much appreciated!
     And glad to hear you mention those DOOM and Portal vibes, as those were definitely some of our (admittedly lofty) game design inspirations for this project.

Have a good one, and thanks again! :)