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A member registered Nov 13, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much!
I actually made the walls a lot taller than I initially had. But apparently still not high enough 

Oh wow :O
I didn't had any issue like this on my main pc. But I have the same issue on my work pc.
I'm going to put a download link here later since I cannot upload a new build while voting. Sorry!

Thank you!
What do you mean by saying visually bugged? It looks fine to me :

Thank you :)
We've had a lot of ideas which were very similar to other games made for the jam. But I've remembered a video about the second perspective and how it is made in the first Driver game and it fitted so well to the theme!
The cars are spawned randomly and the driver switches the lane when a car is in front of the truck. This can happen quite often but it doesn't have to

Thank you :)

Thank you! Awesome that you like it :)

Thank you!
Could become a really nice game with more features but I'm already working on a bigger project which is quite time consuming. When it's done, then maybe we'll improve Chaotic Relocate :)

Thank you! It is indeed a little nauseating but while working on it I've acutally got used to it

Thank you very much :3

Thank you!
We're aware of this but could really find a solution in time to solve it.
Sometimes when the 3 plant row comes you have to move, but it 1/6 that this item dropps off.